Year 4 Scientific Endeavours!

This week, Year 4 have been undertaking many scientific endeavours, some of which are pictured below. Firstly, we have been making circuits and experimenting with different items, seeing which may be conductors and insulators. We have also had scientific engineering challenges such as could the children create a bridge using only ArtStraws/Lollipop Sticks and could the children create a parachute and protective shell to protect an egg cracking from a height. Finally, the children have also ran a science fayre which children from the Infants school took part in. The best part of this specific event, was seeing how brilliantly the Year 4 children interacted with the younger children and how they were so kind and helpful towards them!

World Book Day 2025

Check out the amazing outfits for this year’s World Book Day! Our theme this year is Alice in Wonderland with the children being invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. We also spent the day solving the White Rabbit’s time problems as well as sketching our own interpretation of the Mad Hatter’s Hat!

A visit from Rt Hon Ed Miliband

Last week, we were lucky enough to have a special visit from Doncaster North’s MP, Ed Miliband who came to speak to the children regarding his role in government, particularly his work around reducing poverty in the local area. The children prepared questions and asked listened carefully to his responses.

5CC Serves Up Success!

5CC kicked off the new half term with an exciting tennis lesson, focusing on agility, balance, and tactical play. The session began with fun warm-up games like knee tag and shoulder tag, helping pupils prepare for low and high shots.

Next, they practiced playing the ball into space, aiming to earn points with two bounces inside a designated area. If the second bounce landed outside, their opponent scored instead! This encouraged strategic thinking and careful shot placement.

The highlight was spike ball, where pupils demonstrated their skills by identifying space and aiming their shots. More confident players even struck the ball after the initial throw, showing great progress.

The lesson balanced attacking and defensive methods, teaching pupils how to score points while preventing their opponents from doing the same. Well done, 5CC – keep up the fantastic work!

Y5/6 Visitor: Rt Hon Ed Miliband

On Friday morning, Years Five and Six were visited by Doncaster North’s MP, Ed Miliband. Following their learning about the civil rights movement, gender inequality and wealth inequality, the children had the chance to ask their local MP questions about his career and learn about his role in government. The children prepared questions and asked about his success and challenges; his ideas for how to help Doncaster and the country; his priorities as per his role in the current government cabinet.

Mr Miliband also took the time to learn about the children’s current expedition with Y5/6 reeling off their favourite facts from ‘Fights for your Rights’. Thank you to Ed for taking the time out of his busy diary to visit us!

Suffragists Vs. Suffragettes

In our history case study, year 5 have been learning about how life was different in the past, particularly for women. In an activity this morning, the children were given nine issues and were asked to organise these ins. Diamond nine with the worst issue for women being placed at the top. There were a variety of diamond nine formations as a result of plenty of group discussion. After engaging with these past societal rules, 5CC empathised with women from the 1800s, agreeing that women would probably be left feeling powerless, controlled and hopeless.
After this introduction, the class began learning about the two factions which sought to empower women by winning the right to vote: the Suffragists and the Suffragettes!


On the 5th February, Years 5 and 6 celebrated Rosa Parks day, named after the iconic figure who is seen as the mother of the civil rights movement. Rosa has been a one of the key figures in our learning this term and marked the beginning of our history case study where the children learned about the civil rights movement. To mark her action, the children created protest posters, a protest chant and created their own songs fit for a protest.

Super Swimmers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!