Sharing our Stories: 21/03/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Class 8: Science Experiment @ Green Top

Y2 Dodgeball Crew @ Plover

How does light travel? @ Carcroft School

E29’s Wise Wednesdays @ XP East

Crew Shakespeare Sporting Stars @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

We are scientists!

This week Year 3 have celebrated British Science Week by taking part in a range of scientific investigations. One particular experiment was called Magic Milk, and is an easy one to try at home! All you need is milk, food colouring, and washing up liquid. The children learnt how the microbes in the washing up liquid attracted the fat and the protein from the milk, but that it also made amazing colour explosions because of the food dye!

Year 4 Scientific Endeavours!

This week, Year 4 have been undertaking many scientific endeavours, some of which are pictured below. Firstly, we have been making circuits and experimenting with different items, seeing which may be conductors and insulators. We have also had scientific engineering challenges such as could the children create a bridge using only ArtStraws/Lollipop Sticks and could the children create a parachute and protective shell to protect an egg cracking from a height. Finally, the children have also ran a science fayre which children from the Infants school took part in. The best part of this specific event, was seeing how brilliantly the Year 4 children interacted with the younger children and how they were so kind and helpful towards them!

Science Week in Year 3!

One of our experiments this week to celebrate Science Week was to make lava lamps! It was so easy and we all loved watching the bubbles fizz. It’s super easy to do at home too, all you need is water, cooking oil, food colouring and an effervescent tablet! The children were fascinated watching the water separate from the oil and the carbonated water move into the oil.

Science Week

Year 5 spent the morning investigating “How does exercise affect our heart rate?” The children created their own investigations to answer the question making predictions and creating a fair test. Despite the intermittent rain, 5HJ enjoyed completing activities of different intensities and were able to prove their predictions were correct.

Year 6 Science Week!

During Science Week, Year 6 investigated ‘How does exercise affect our heart rate?’ The pupils worked in groups and devised an experiment which would answer this question. They needed to make a prediction, decide how they would ensure it would be a fair test, record results and evaluate their findings.

3SG World Book Day

Last week, 3SG celebrated World Book Day in style. Everyone looked AMAZING in their costumes and a HUGE thank you to FONCA for their wonderful Mad Hatter’s tea party. The children loved playing games, eating cake and drinking juice just like Alice and her friends!