The Power of Critique

Y4 were lucky enough to have some visitors this week – Y6 children who wished to share their non-chronological reports about the planets within our solar system. I must say, hats off to the year 6 children – the quality of their work, expression when reading and ability to engage with their younger y4 counterparts was quite phenomenal. Just as special, was the will and want of the year 4 pupils to thank the year sixes for sharing their amazing work – and each child wrote a postcard to offer such thanks. Beautiful.

Sharing our Stories 11/10/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Beautiful Curation at Green Top!

Have you seen these beautiful newly curated areas at Green Top – awesome spaces for students to learn and play in!

A great sporting week at XP Doncaster!

On Monday, students met a few of the Doncaster Rovers first team players and were able to have photos and get autographs from the players. Students asked questions about the life of a professional athlete and the journey that the players have been on playing for different clubs. It was great to hear the players speak about our character traits and how these character traits link to sport. 

Then on Tuesday students visited Hill House school to listen to Olympic gold medal GB hockey player Sam Queck. Her experience as an athlete and the ups and downs she has faced really helped our students to understand that if you want something in life you have to work hard for it! Students were able to have a photo and ask questions to Sam at the end – they even held her gold medal. 

We’re looking for an Art Teacher at XP Doncaster!

Find out more and apply now to #JoinOurCrew

Top of the Blogs

Creating Beautiful Work @ Norton Infants

American Themed Day @ Green Top

We Care Wednesday – Crew Chain @ Plover

XP Outdoors @ Carcroft School

Crew KBA – what makes up our identity? @ XP School

Working on a different planet! @ Norton Juniors

Beautiful work from Brooke @ XP Gateshead

Crew Rashford getting smart-er @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Working on a different planet!

5CC have been busy bees working away on their child-friendly non-chronological reports. After being allocated a planet in hook week, the children recently researched and recorded all sorts of juicy facts about their planet. Now, they have utilised their understanding of subordinating conjunctions and parenthesis to ensure their reports pack a factual punch, with some humour of course!

Try, try and try again…

We had a tricky maths problem to solve in 4GC today. However, not to be deterred, our marvellous mathematicians worked tirelessly to solve this puzzling problem. Alas, 4GC’s persevering parrots.

Why Earth?

This term, Year 5 delved into an exciting scientific question: How does Earth support life? The students were captivated as they explored our planet’s unique position in space. Located at the perfect distance from the Sun, Earth sits in what scientists call the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ – not too hot, not too cold – where conditions are just right for life to thrive. Through research, the children discovered how Earth’s location and environment have played a crucial role in the evolution of life.

Legacy Sport Y5/6 Football Tournament! ⚽️

On Thursday afternoon, a team of 10 Year 5/6 boys travelled to Owston Park Primary to take part in the first Legacy Sport Yorkshire tournament of the year.
After a very successful league stage where the team won all but a cagey 0-0 draw against Owston Park, the team earned their place in a tough knock out round. An early goal from Balby ended the teams run towards the final. Overall, it was a great experience for the new year 5s and 6s, with standout performances from Charlie and Blake (Y6) as well as Hugo, Freddy and Mack (Y5).

Sharing our Stories: 04/10/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Celebrating XP Doncaster’s Duke of Edinburgh 2024 Expedition

Check out these beautiful highlights from C28s DofE Expedition last academic year! They had an awesome POL to celebrate their success this week.

Working with the National Gallery

On Monday, our dedicated Art Staff at XP Doncaster had the incredible opportunity to attend an enriching workshop organised in collaboration with The National Gallery, made possible through the support of Right Up Our Street. This was part of a larger initiative, as The National Gallery prepares for their upcoming visit to Doncaster on 19th October, which is an exciting stop on their nationwide Art Road Trip. In the lead-up to this highly anticipated visit, the Gallery has been offering a series of free CPD sessions aimed specifically at art teachers. These sessions are designed to enhance teaching practices, and we were fortunate enough that our staff could participate in one of these invaluable opportunities.

“It was really amazing to work with the National Gallery on the Staff Day at XP. They will be coming in to launch the Articulation prize for XP C28 students. Staff had the opportunity to take part in the workshop as a sneak peek before the kids get a chance!”

Kat Taylor – Art @ XP Doncaster

The focus of the workshop was particularly inspiring, centring on the importance of art commentary and how educators can empower students to express their own unique interpretations of artworks. It delved deeply into the ways students can be encouraged to find and use their own voices, providing them with the tools to articulate personal responses to visual art. The session explored various strategies for prompting thoughtful engagement with art, ensuring that students feel confident in offering their perspectives, regardless of the artwork’s complexity or the student’s prior experience. By fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment, the workshop aimed to inspire both teachers and students to approach art not just as observers but as active commentators, enriching their understanding and appreciation of visual culture. This experience was invaluable for our staff, equipping them with fresh insights and methods that will undoubtedly benefit our students in the classroom.

Building Crew at Green Top

On our most recent Staff Day, Green Top School staff completed an awesome scavenger hunt around Snaith! Crews had to complete various challenges throughout the day and they built Crew and formed stronger relationships as a result! Go #CrewGreenTop!

Wood Foundation Visitors!

We love welcoming visitors from all over the world to our Trust and this week it was a delight to work with our friends from the Wood Foundation with teachers from more than a dozen schools in Aberdeenshire. Our work with the Wood Foundation and the many schools they support, began in 2019 and has enabled us to share our story and how we work. We also travelled to Aberdeen this year to deliver CPD – including how we crew!

This week the focus was on creating and delivering expeditions and our visitors created some amazing food from our Plover Pantry recipe leaflets; originally created by the students. Part of this expedition was designed to bring the leaflets to life with a step by step video and photography guide. 

Really purposeful and beautiful work.

Top of the Blogs

Creating Beautiful Work @ Norton Infants

KS1 Community Crew @ Green Top

We are kind in Crew Lewis @ Plover

Road Safety in Crew MI @ Carcroft School

Crew Peak continue to fly! @ XP School

Making music @ Norton Juniors

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

Crew HWA/KBU @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Making Music!

This week Year 3 have been flexing their musical muscles and learning how to play an echo on the glockenspiel.