Primary School Christmas Musical

A massive well done to the fabulous children who took part in the Christmas musical last night. They put on a super performance, sang their hearts out and delivered their lines like oscar worthy actors. Their hard work, giving up their lunch times, staying after school and being pulled out of classes paid off, with them giving a performance of a lifetime. Well done to everybody who took part, we are incredibly proud of you!

🐒🦓🐅 Yorkshire Wildlife Park 🐅🦓🐒

It was certainly a hot one but Year 5 had a wonderful time visiting The Yorkshire Wildlife Park yesterday! The children took part in an endangered animals workshop learning how and why animals are becoming endangered and what we can do to help. Our highlights were definitely spending time with the wallabies and polar bears.

🍰🤍🧁 Act of kindness 🧁🤍🍰

During crew week, our guiding question was – How can crew be strengthened by acts of service to others? After holding crew sessions, Yr5 decided to litter pick whilst on our walk to Brockadale, visit The Laurels residential home to take gifts and spend time with residents as well as hold a bake sale to raise money for charity.

We are we’re blown away with the amount of donations received across Norton Campus and are excited to share that we raised a whopping £142.70. As a crew, we will decide where this money goes.