Sheep heart dissection

As part of our science case study in our Happy Healthy Me expedition, we have been looking at how to be the healthiest versions of ourselves. On Wednesday, year 5 visited Campsmount to dissect a sheep’s heart and use microscopes in the science labs. The visit sparked genuine interest and curiosity in our children who found the tasks exciting and meaningful. Thanks to Campsmount for welcoming us into school

New Hall Farm

During hook week, Yr 5 completed fieldwork at New Hall Farm in Barnsley where we learned all about who wheat and barley is grown, farmed and milled to make flour which is supplied to Warburtons to make bread. We also discovered how important hedgerows are to the many different animals and creatures that live there. Finally and most importantly, we had so much fun digging for worms in the cabbage field. Check out the size of some of the whoppers we found!

5JC Farm Fieldwork

During Hook Week, we spent a day at a real working farm exploring the impact that food has on our bodies and environment. It was a lovely opportunity to see how the food we eat is produced and the many challenges the farmers face in finding the right balance between food production and environmental sustainability. We even got to see some newborn lambs!

Y3 Plant Trees

Y3 celebrated their amazing learning throughout the spring term by each planting a tree around the perimeter of the school field. We reflected on our guiding question “How can we protect our wonderful world?” and presented our learning to parents. We are very lucky that Murphy’s group donated enough trees that every child could plant their own with their own customised wooden tag.

Thank you so much to everybody that came and celebrated the children’s awesome work with us.

Immersion week field work

Last week, 5HJ completed fieldwork in Doncaster City Centre exploring how the Industrial Revolution has influenced Doncaster today. After a tour of the city centre looking at buildings of that time, we visited Danum Museum where we discovered how Doncaster was pivotal in the construction of trains. The children were also immersed in a workhouse experience which involved tedious tasks such as picking up grains of rice. 😫

🐒🦓🐅 Yorkshire Wildlife Park 🐅🦓🐒

It was certainly a hot one but Year 5 had a wonderful time visiting The Yorkshire Wildlife Park yesterday! The children took part in an endangered animals workshop learning how and why animals are becoming endangered and what we can do to help. Our highlights were definitely spending time with the wallabies and polar bears.

We’re stoked! 🔥

After months of discussion and deliberation, NJS is pleased to announce the creation of its brand new fire-pit! Thanks to the diligence and hard work of our own Mrs Blunt, Norton Junior’s fire pit is complete with log stools and a fire ring, ready for exciting crew and activity sessions to come. We can already taste the smores!