Dodgeball drama (and victory)! 🏆🥇

Y5/6 Dodgeball Tournament @ Campsmount

On Wednesday 16th March, two teams made the trip up to Campsmount for the upper key stage 2 dodgeball tournament, neither disappointed! Demonstrating sportsmanship, teamwork and excellent communication, both teams reached the latter stages of the tournament with team A being awarded third overall.

Stories of the tournament’s final have been heard in every corner of school since Wednesday afternoon, with hero, Harry from 6CC, clinching victory from the jaws of defeat as we heroically landed a decisive shot during a one on one duel with his opponent from a rival school. We are pleased to say that even in victory, the children celebrated the effort of the opposing teams and thoroughly enjoyed the competition. Well done year 5&6!

Year 6 PE: Football ⚽️

This week in Year 6 PE, 6SO and 6CC enjoyed developing their passing skills in a mixture of skill activities and five-a-side games. Well done to all!

Digital Leaders visit XP!

As part of their training, NJS’ newly appointed Digital Leaders visited XP today to learn more about their role and how they can help not only their peers but the staff as well.

The children were divided into groups and asked to find answer to the ‘fantastic problem’: school staff lacking the confidence or knowledge to use new technology or apps in the classroom. After collating ideas and a rationale for why we need DLs, the children presented their ideas to their peers from other schools, an audience of at least 100! Well done to all involved! 👍🏼

Year 5 Visit to Danum Museum

This week, as part of their The Magic of Motion expedition, year 5 and 6 visited the Rail Heritage Centre at Danum Museum, which is home to two impressive locomotives (No. 251 and Green Arrow) and a large selection of railway memorabilia from the Doncaster Grammar School rail collection. The children were also treated to a fantastic workshop that explored how trains have been on a journey of change over the years. This supplemented their classroom learning brilliantly and provided an exciting, hands-on experience for all of our pupils.

Pancake Day?

This year has been extremely tough on everyone, particularly our children. In 5RS, we thought that our Crew deserved a reward for their resilience and hard work during these unprecedented times and so we decided to revisit Shrove Tuesday. It is safe to say that our children had a flipping good time!

Pancake anyone?

Staff Crew – Identifying HOWLs…

If it’s good enough for our children, its good enough for our staff too… Everything that you are doing in class, we are doing too!


We have also be revisiting our Core Values that we set together as a whole community 5 years ago. Here we are unpicking exactly what it looks like to embrace our values and identify our own HOWLs – Habits of Work and Learning. HOWLS help us demonstrate how we are working to be the best version of ourselves or as we like to say, “Being the BEST version of ME!”