Year 4 Scientific Endeavours!

This week, Year 4 have been undertaking many scientific endeavours, some of which are pictured below. Firstly, we have been making circuits and experimenting with different items, seeing which may be conductors and insulators. We have also had scientific engineering challenges such as could the children create a bridge using only ArtStraws/Lollipop Sticks and could the children create a parachute and protective shell to protect an egg cracking from a height. Finally, the children have also ran a science fayre which children from the Infants school took part in. The best part of this specific event, was seeing how brilliantly the Year 4 children interacted with the younger children and how they were so kind and helpful towards them!

Celebrating Rosa Parks

On Tuesday 5th February, Year 5 and 6 celebrated the life of Rosa Parks – a pivotal civil rights activist – who has been a huge part of our learning in our current expedition “Fight For Your Rights”. The children spent the day writing and performing their own songs about her life, creating protest posters and finally holding a March around school.

Super Swimmers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!

Supporting our local charity

Yesterday, we welcomed an extra special visitor into school. Kath is a local volunteer who gives up her time to support UK charities in and around Doncaster including the homeless, food banks and women’s refuge. We presented Kath with the toiletries which were purchased by the money raised from Yr 5s bake sale back in August. She was a true inspiration to both adults and children and we have pledged to continue to support through the year.

To Infinity and Beyond!

5HJ had an extremely fun filled hook week creating their own papier mache models of the solar system using tissue paper to colour them. The class also designed, created and launched their own rockets with prizes being given to the longest journey and the most eye catching design! Great effort from all with some almost crossing the playground!