
This week, the children in 5RH have been hard at work creating exceptional Queen Elizabeth I portraits. After hours and hours of work they still aren’t all finished but I’m sure you’ll agree, the time and hard work has definitely paid off.

A banquet fit for a king!

Our in-depth look at real life heroes and villains (The Tudors) has taken us down a tasty path as we dissect the eating habits of the very privileged. Would you want to eat at a Tudor banquet? It’s a mixed bag for me, as the Tudor dishes range from delicious to down right disgusting.

Some beautiful work on show produced by children in school and at home. Cracking stuff!


Hello Years 5 & 6,

we hope you have had a brilliant Christmas and we cannot wait to see you. Please follow the link to our expedition site for Sping 2021, Heroes and Villains (https://sites.google.com/njsch.uk/njsheroesandvillains/home-learning/week-1). Also, please check your emails for information regarding home learning from the 6th January 2021.



Photographs that changed the world!

Well done to all the children in years 5 and 6 for their tremendous hard work this term. They have been on a journey, exploring the development of the camera and how the world has changed as a result of iconic events, remarkable people and even several disasters!

Watch the video here to gain insight into their expedition and let them introduce you to the culmination of our journey: their rather impressive final product!

This week, year 5 have been hard at work learning and utilising an ancient preservation method on our bananas. As we delve into the world of Ancient Egyptians, we start to discover some of the many interesting traditions they had. The preservation of pharaohs using mummification was a particularly interesting one.

In addition to learning the method, we obviously had to get hands on and give it a go ourselves.

A picture says a thousand words. Caption these!

Our TT Rock Stars Hall of Fame!

A huge congratulations to our newest inductees into the TT Rock Stars Hall of Fame! This week, both of these rockers showed an incredible determination to improve their times table fluency. Daniel improved his rock speed by 1.79 seconds in just one week, whilst Spencer earned over 9,000 coins! Outstanding effort you two! Keep rocking!

Highest Earner

Most Improved

Our newest rock stars!

3…2…1… Action!

This week in 5RH, we have started our unit of work on action sequences.

We have watched a range of great film action sequences and looked at how this is effectively translated to written work. Today we read a brilliant action sequence and acted this out in the classroom to evaluate how effectively the author created suspense, excitement, speed and tension.

Also, it was great fun!

Who needs paper?!

This week, the children thoroughly enjoyed practising and sharing their informal multiplication strategies by writing on their desks! This enabled the pupils to test and share various strategies in order to find the methods that they felt the most confident in using.

What does inequality mean to you?

Today, we had a visit from local man Jojo Brown. Growing up in Doncaster to Ghanaian parents, Jojo came in today to discuss his childhood experiences and the pressing issues he still sees today within our modern society. We discussed inequality and diversity and what this means to him and the children, giving some context to some of our ‘Moments that changed the world’ photographs (Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King).

Cheers Jojo.