Y5/6 Visitor: Rt Hon Ed Miliband

On Friday morning, Years Five and Six were visited by Doncaster North’s MP, Ed Miliband. Following their learning about the civil rights movement, gender inequality and wealth inequality, the children had the chance to ask their local MP questions about his career and learn about his role in government. The children prepared questions and asked about his success and challenges; his ideas for how to help Doncaster and the country; his priorities as per his role in the current government cabinet.

Mr Miliband also took the time to learn about the children’s current expedition with Y5/6 reeling off their favourite facts from ‘Fights for your Rights’. Thank you to Ed for taking the time out of his busy diary to visit us!

Yr 5 take on the HAKA

Over the past 6 weeks, 5HJ have learnt how to perform the Maori people of New Zealand’s tradition dance The Haka which demonstrates pride, strength and unity. All children worked in small groups and preformed their own interpretation which was performed to a small audience.

Celebrating Rosa Parks

On Tuesday 5th February, Year 5 and 6 celebrated the life of Rosa Parks – a pivotal civil rights activist – who has been a huge part of our learning in our current expedition “Fight For Your Rights”. The children spent the day writing and performing their own songs about her life, creating protest posters and finally holding a March around school.

Super Swimmers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!

Reading Gym

Over the past few weeks, 5HJ have worked hard to develop reading fluency and prosody. This week, we have learnt about the differences between the suffragists and suffragettes, completing ‘reading gym’ sessions where the children read quietly to themselves for a given length of time. This has really helped develop our stamina for reading.

Light and Shadows

5HJ we’re fully immersed in their learning during hook week focussing on investigating how light travels in straight lines. The children used torches and a range of objects from string to mirrors to investigate explain that objects are seen because they give our or reflect light into the eye.

Year 5 Science Fair!

To culminate their expedition, Year 5 held a science fair in the final week of their learning journey to celebrate and present all their learning. Pupils across year 5 manned stalls linked to aspects of their learning from each case study (science and D.T) and demonstrated their knowledge to parents and fellow NJS pupils alike. The event was one of our best celebrations of learning yet in UKS2 with children eager to put punters through their paces on all things forces, space and D.T. Well done, Year 5!


Last week, year 5 embarked upon case study 2 (physics) discovering why unsupported objects fall to the ground. Here we are completing 2 scientific investigations using Newton meters to measure the weight of objects and investigating how the mass of an object affects how fast it falls to the ground.