5CC Serves Up Success!

5CC kicked off the new half term with an exciting tennis lesson, focusing on agility, balance, and tactical play. The session began with fun warm-up games like knee tag and shoulder tag, helping pupils prepare for low and high shots.

Next, they practiced playing the ball into space, aiming to earn points with two bounces inside a designated area. If the second bounce landed outside, their opponent scored instead! This encouraged strategic thinking and careful shot placement.

The highlight was spike ball, where pupils demonstrated their skills by identifying space and aiming their shots. More confident players even struck the ball after the initial throw, showing great progress.

The lesson balanced attacking and defensive methods, teaching pupils how to score points while preventing their opponents from doing the same. Well done, 5CC – keep up the fantastic work!

Yr 5 take on the HAKA

Over the past 6 weeks, 5HJ have learnt how to perform the Maori people of New Zealand’s tradition dance The Haka which demonstrates pride, strength and unity. All children worked in small groups and preformed their own interpretation which was performed to a small audience.

Super Swimmers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!

6RH Creating and performing complex routines

So impressed with the attitude, creativity and physical ability of these incredible year 6 children. This half term we have been working hard on body movements and control and today they have created some really impressive routines and performed them to their peers. The courage to throw themselves in to gymnastics, challenge themselves, perform outside of their comfort zone all with a smile on their faces is so impressive.

An emphatic win for the NJS Y5/6 basketball team

In the initial group stage with seven back-to-back victories, the team beat every team at the tournament without any teams scoring against against them.
In the knockout stages, a 4-0 victory against Plover Primary secure passage to the final where the team won a cagey 2-1 victory against Owston Park. With NJS dominating the ball for the vast majority of the game, Owston managed to score once before another NJS hoop. Outstanding work from all involved, with year 5s stepping up in what was a demanding, physical tournament at XP School.p

Brockadale Nature Reserve

On Thursday, Yr 5 & 6 were given the challenge to complete a 12 km walk to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back. 5HJ supported each other along way and showed huge levels of determination and stamina. The sun was shining and we all had a fabulous time. I can’t wait for the fantastic year ahead! 

Y3 Dream of Dancing

Chance to Dance 2024 is well underway with preparations for the final performance in full swing. With weekly visits from Miss Wendy, our chance to dance children have ween working hard to consolidate their ballet knowledge. Focusing on “The Dream”, the children have been thinking about making shapes with their bodies and different ways to move across a space. We can’t wait to watch the beautiful dance they produce!

The French Revolution at Campsmount Come Dancing 2024 🪩

On Thursday 21st March, a team of twenty-one dancers took part in the annual Campsmount Come Dancing competition. After four months of weekly practice, their collective efforts and commitment culminated in a captivatingly dramatic performance in front of four judges and a raucous crowd of local parents and carers.

With strong competition from other local junior teams in Askern Spa, Barnburgh and Kirk Smeaton, The Norton Junior School dance team captured their audience with a energetic and emotive performance, based on the French Revolution, with accompanying music from Les Miserables. Just when staff and parents could not have been more proud, the team secured a perfect score of 40/40 and came first place in the competition. Spectacular effort! 🪩

Dipping, diving and dodging @ Trust Games Year 3/4 Dodgeball

On a very chilly first of December, a team of 10 year 3/4 dodgeballers has the pleasure of competing at Carcroft Primary School against the other schools within the XP trust. All played exceptionally well and demonstrated agility as well as great throwing and catching skills, which subsequently landed the team in second place overall. Well done to the other teams!