Sea Shanty Special!

In music this term, Year 5 have been studying sea shanties where they have explored their origin, purpose and how to perform them effectively. After learning about their history, the class analysed recorded performances of well-known shanties and critique the performances. This subsequently allowed them to think how they would perform their own shanty with the class coming together to deliver their own spin of ‘What shall we do with a drunken sailor?

Main or subordinate? You decide.

In Friday’s SPAG session, Year 5 learned to identify main clauses and subordinate clauses. After finding and classifying clauses around the room, the class used causes to make sentences before creating their own based on our expedition. With our howls target focusing on resilience and independence, each individual worked exceptionally hard and grasped the learning well. Great work, 5CC!

4TE find the gold!

Today, 4TE were given a very special assignment… Using their recently aquired proficiency of grid method multiplication, the children had to solve a series of questions in order to uncover a codeword which led to a stash of ‘gold’ hidden somewhere in the school! The children showed brilliant resilience and teamwork to perservere with the challenge and as can be seen, to eventually find the gold!

Table Mathematics!

Today, Year 4 have been flexing their mathematical muscles by demonstarting their recent proficiency towards grid method multipliation! These messy multiplications showed the children’s grasp and they fully enjoyed themselves. Whether this enjoyment came from the maths or writing on the tables, remains to be seen!

Introducing… Year 4 Explanation Text Experts!

In Year 4’s English Cycle, we shall be writing explanation texts all about the human body for our expedition, ‘What Makes Us Human?’. These explanatory pieces of writing shall be aimed towards the infant school reception children and such, our texts need a friendly narrator! That’s where these characters come in… Today, we have been creating our explanation text narrators who are going to tell the infant children all about the human body and it must be said, they do look fantastic so far. I’m sure they can’t wait to explain all about science to the reception children!

Year 5 Science Fair!

To culminate their expedition, Year 5 held a science fair in the final week of their learning journey to celebrate and present all their learning. Pupils across year 5 manned stalls linked to aspects of their learning from each case study (science and D.T) and demonstrated their knowledge to parents and fellow NJS pupils alike. The event was one of our best celebrations of learning yet in UKS2 with children eager to put punters through their paces on all things forces, space and D.T. Well done, Year 5!

Cutting edge stuff!

With the end of our autumn expedition in sight, 5CC have began the physical labour of creating their final product. In DT (third case study), the children were given the opportunity to practice and perfect measuring and cutting square timber before cutting the measurements of wood needed for their project – a model rotating solar system. With several more lessons needed to fully create their model, 5CC will now construct their models in groups ready for the big reveal at their presentation of learning in December. Will their creations measure up? Will their efforts be out of this world? Stay tuned!


Last week, year 5 embarked upon case study 2 (physics) discovering why unsupported objects fall to the ground. Here we are completing 2 scientific investigations using Newton meters to measure the weight of objects and investigating how the mass of an object affects how fast it falls to the ground.