What a fantastic day! This year, the children threw themselves in to our Alice in Wonderland theme by learning and performing ‘The Jaberwocky’. They showed great courage to perform this (with actions) to our year 4s. The day has inspired us further to create some wonderful watercolour paintings of the monsters within the poem!
On Friday morning, Years Five and Six were visited by Doncaster North’s MP, Ed Miliband. Following their learning about the civil rights movement, gender inequality and wealth inequality, the children had the chance to ask their local MP questions about his career and learn about his role in government. The children prepared questions and asked about his success and challenges; his ideas for how to help Doncaster and the country; his priorities as per his role in the current government cabinet.
Mr Miliband also took the time to learn about the children’s current expedition with Y5/6 reeling off their favourite facts from ‘Fights for your Rights’. Thank you to Ed for taking the time out of his busy diary to visit us!
Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking a team of swimmers to a Legacy Sport competition at Askern Leisure Centre. Our children were amazing, bringing home a range of gold, silver and bronze medals in breast stroke, front crawl and back stroke. The team spirt and support for each other was what makes our children so special. A huge well done to all involved!
So impressed with the attitude, creativity and physical ability of these incredible year 6 children. This half term we have been working hard on body movements and control and today they have created some really impressive routines and performed them to their peers. The courage to throw themselves in to gymnastics, challenge themselves, perform outside of their comfort zone all with a smile on their faces is so impressive.
In hook week, the children drew pencil sketches of their eyes, which were fantastic. However, we weren’t done. We knew we could improve! Multiple discussions, reflections, suggestions and after a great deal of patience and perseverance, the children completed another draft (in some cases another 2 drafts). The finished products are incredible and just shows the power of this process.
On Monday, Year 6 were greeted by a real-life ancient Egyptian! First, they were shown how to mummify the body of an unfortunate enbalmer. Only recently did Year Six study the process of mummification and so this was a revision exercise, albeit with sight of some gruesome (plastic) organs.
The children enjoyed many activities throughout the day, such as city building and selecting different buildings based on their function, cost and points. Different, random world events determined whether a city flourished or deteriorated depending on the buildings they had chosen. Year Six also studied many Egyptian artefacts and learned about their significance to the ancient civilisation, many connecting the mortals to their gods.
After lunch, they played two different ancient Egyptian games: mancala and senet. Mancala, a basic accumulation game whilst senet’s rules were somewhat of a basic snakes and ladders. With Egyptian Arin, they also experienced writing a name in hieroglyphics using a reed ‘pen’ and a piece of papyrus.
Since before half term, Year 6 have been studying the wonderful civilisation of ancient Egypt. This week, the children of 6CC have enjoyed learning about the significance behind the river Nile, the longest river in the world and how it acted as a source of wealth for the Egyptian people. Through tea parties and building background knowledge, the children have also studied the gruesome process of mummification, with a view to planning their own mummification instructions.
On Wednesday June 5th, Leger Sport hosted an exciting Year 5/6 rounders tournament featuring teams from across Doncaster. With a mixture of Year 5 and 6 pupils, the team got off to a good start with strong communication and reactions; throughout the tournament, they played exceptionally well, displaying remarkable skill and sportsmanship. The matches were intense, especially against Barnburgh, Mallard and Kirk Smeaton, where our players demonstrated agility and determination. Despite fierce competition, NJS secured a commendable third place. We are incredibly proud of their performance and the way they represented our school. Congratulations to all the teams and especially to our players for their outstanding effort!
On Thursday 21st March, a team of twenty-one dancers took part in the annual Campsmount Come Dancing competition. After four months of weekly practice, their collective efforts and commitment culminated in a captivatingly dramatic performance in front of four judges and a raucous crowd of local parents and carers.
With strong competition from other local junior teams in Askern Spa, Barnburgh and Kirk Smeaton, The Norton Junior School dance team captured their audience with a energetic and emotive performance, based on the French Revolution, with accompanying music from Les Miserables. Just when staff and parents could not have been more proud, the team secured a perfect score of 40/40 and came first place in the competition. Spectacular effort! 🪩
In the morning, Crew Cicero took the time to visit their partner crew – Crew Wojcik – at Norton Infant School. It was lovely to have the children bridge the age gap by sharing and enjoying the stories from many different books.
World Book Day 2024! Oompa Loompa ingredient hunt and chocolate tasting
During World Book Day, 3RH and 6CC had the opportunity to learn about chocolate tasting and to experience several different varieties in a tasting event. The majority of the children decided that dark chocolate did not agree with their palette, however they excellently described each variety with a powerful range of adjectives. After locating the lost secret ingredients to Wonka’s chocolate that had been dispersed throughout school, the children then designed their own chocolate wrappers. A very successful – and very chocolatey – World Book Day!