Brockadale Nature Reserve

On Thursday, Yr 5 & 6 were given the challenge to complete a 12 km walk to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back. 5HJ supported each other along way and showed huge levels of determination and stamina. The sun was shining and we all had a fabulous time. I can’t wait for the fantastic year ahead! 

Homemade Granola

Last week, 5HJ explored ratios within recipes. We used a recipe for granola and used our maths skills to upscale it and create a recipe that would provide 32 portions which we then made using oats, raisin, cranberries and desiccated coconut. The finished product was served with natural yoghurt and went down an absolute treat!

Sheep heart dissection

As part of our science case study in our Happy Healthy Me expedition, we have been looking at how to be the healthiest versions of ourselves. On Wednesday, year 5 visited Campsmount to dissect a sheep’s heart and use microscopes in the science labs. The visit sparked genuine interest and curiosity in our children who found the tasks exciting and meaningful. Thanks to Campsmount for welcoming us into school

Exploring the area of complex shapes

Maths last week involved calculating the perimeter and area of a range of different shapes including rectilinear and irregular shapes. Children had to estimate the area of a range of irregular shapes and then calculate by counting the full squares, using reasoning skills to decide upon an answer.

Y5/6 Rounders Tournament @ Campsmount Academy

On Wednesday June 5th, Leger Sport hosted an exciting Year 5/6 rounders tournament featuring teams from across Doncaster. With a mixture of Year 5 and 6 pupils, the team got off to a good start with strong communication and reactions; throughout the tournament, they played exceptionally well, displaying remarkable skill and sportsmanship. The matches were intense, especially against Barnburgh, Mallard and Kirk Smeaton, where our players demonstrated agility and determination. Despite fierce competition, NJS secured a commendable third place. We are incredibly proud of their performance and the way they represented our school. Congratulations to all the teams and especially to our players for their outstanding effort!

Investigating foods

To finish our exciting hook week, 5HJ investigated the amount of salt in certain foods and sugar in drinks. The children were also given the opportunity to taste a whole range of exciting and unusual fruits and vegetables. We tasted pak choi, avocado, bean sprouts, dragon fruit, rhubarb and lots more! Some were definitely more popular than others!

New Hall Farm

During hook week, Yr 5 completed fieldwork at New Hall Farm in Barnsley where we learned all about who wheat and barley is grown, farmed and milled to make flour which is supplied to Warburtons to make bread. We also discovered how important hedgerows are to the many different animals and creatures that live there. Finally and most importantly, we had so much fun digging for worms in the cabbage field. Check out the size of some of the whoppers we found!

Egyptian Day

To launch our new and exciting expedition – Happy, healthy me, the children were fully immersed in all things Egyptian on the first day back after the Easter break. 5HJ created mind maps of background knowledge about the Egyptians which they added to over the course of the day after looking at a variety of different sources.