What an amazing effort from these guys this week. Over 1211 classes entered the SumDog maths week competition with over 12,000 children around the country playing. 5HJ worked with determination to achieve 13th place with 9 children actually completely the maximum 1000 questions. I couldn’t be prouder of you all! What a team!
3SG’s marvellous maths
Today in 3SG we have been looking at greater than, less than and equals to symbols, putting our hard work into practise all over the tables! When we felt confident we then completed a challenge to finish off our maths lesson. The children are engaging in maths so well and I am so proud of how their collaboration today.
Expeditionary Maths
Today Yr 5 took part in an Expedition maths lessons looking at a whole range of data. Children visited numerous stations to compare astronaut statistics, order and round planets based on the distance from their moons and look at amounts spent by NASA and USSR over a period of 40 years. It was super to see the children grappling with such large numbers. Great job everyone!
Exploring the area of complex shapes
Maths last week involved calculating the perimeter and area of a range of different shapes including rectilinear and irregular shapes. Children had to estimate the area of a range of irregular shapes and then calculate by counting the full squares, using reasoning skills to decide upon an answer.
Cube work: thinking outside the box… 🧊
To begin their work on volume, 6CC’s work in Maths last week started with cubes. After discussing the differences and similarities between a square and its 3D cousin, the cube, the children started to think about how the space inside might be measured and how would the units of measurement differ.
After studying formula for volume, children set predicting how make cubes would be needed in total to make a larger cube so many cubes high before making and confirming their predictions. Others used the formula and knowledge of cube numbers to determine the edge length of a cube with a given volume. A great way for children to explore volume and introduce them to the properties of this 3D shape!