
What a wonderful time 3HJ had enjoying the recent snow day! Take a look and the magnificent snowmen and ladies constructed by some of the children in our crew! Top effort which certainly deserves a lovely mug of hot chocolate!
What a wonderful time 3HJ had enjoying the recent snow day! Take a look and the magnificent snowmen and ladies constructed by some of the children in our crew! Top effort which certainly deserves a lovely mug of hot chocolate!
Hello Years 5 & 6,
we hope you have had a brilliant Christmas and we cannot wait to see you. Please follow the link to our expedition site for Sping 2021, Heroes and Villains (https://sites.google.com/njsch.uk/njsheroesandvillains/home-learning/week-1). Also, please check your emails for information regarding home learning from the 6th January 2021.
Well done to all the children in years 5 and 6 for their tremendous hard work this term. They have been on a journey, exploring the development of the camera and how the world has changed as a result of iconic events, remarkable people and even several disasters!
Watch the video here to gain insight into their expedition and let them introduce you to the culmination of our journey: their rather impressive final product!
To begin our Christmas topic, 6CC started looking at characters from Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and have explored the texts central character, Ebenezer Scrooge. Safe to say that Mrs Doy, Mrs Gyte and myself all had a few frights in Tuesday’s literacy lesson when the children got to reenact his character description; turns out we have some very convincing performers in our midst!
As you can see, our ‘Final Products’ are exceptional pieces of work. The children showed absolute resilience, working hard to produce a non chronological report about either a moth or bee. In addition, you can see the detailed pencil sketches. Here the children have used and applied different shading and tone techniques to create their own beautiful artwork of their mini beast.
As part of our Wonderful World of Bugs Expedition, we though it would be a ‘Special Treat’ to sample an array of delicious goodies including locusts, buffalo worms, crickets and mealworms. We thought carefully about the different textures and tastes.AS you can see, lots of fun was had by all!
This week, 6CC explored the process of mummification and even got to put to use their own mummy-making instructions on… a banana! The children cleansed, emptied, stuffed, cleansed (again) and wrapped their bananas before decorating them with protective jewels and amulets.
Above: 6CC’s banana mummies!
The class have also begun an scientific investigation into mummy preservation and are now studying the effects of a variety of preserving agents on a mummy (an apple). We will let you know our results next Wednesday!
Overall, another fantastic week in 6CC. Many pupils are now engaging in the homework tasks (posted bi-weekly) on Google Classroom and it is lovely to see writers putting their creative minds to the test using Google Docs and Slides to present their learning.
Week 11’s Superhero: Louis, for his spectacular peer mentorship and excellent attitude to learning, Louis constantly demonstrating a work hard, play hard attitude and continuously strives to get better and better! Well done!
We felt so naughty this morning writing all over the tables in maths. We were counting forwards and backwards in jumps of 50. What an amazing job by all!
Don’t worry Mr Hayes, it’ll wipe off!
Our Autumn expedition is now fully up and running. Steve Nightingale (local photography expert) came in to work with year 5&6 and deliver a fantastic informative workshop. In addition to exploring an incredible range of the best up to date cameras on the market, the children also looked at the history of photography and the evolution of the camera. We were also given an insight into tricks of the trade and photography at a microscopic level.
A thoroughly enjoyable and interesting session.
Cheers Steve.