Community, Crafts, and Cake!

4TE finished off a fantastic first half-term with an action-packed fun-filled day! Firstly, the whole school had a brilliant opportunity to plant some trees alongside the school field. Crew Edwards and Crew West relished this unique experience and had a terrific time planting and naming their trees. In years to come as the children grow older and even when they leave NJS, they will be able to walk alongside the school and spot the very same trees that they planted today. After this, the children got to create some Halloween themed crafts. Spooky spiders and ghoulish ghosts were haunting the classroom this morning, it was a spooky time indeed! Finally, the children had been very busy at home and had baked an incredible amount of treats. There were cakes, biscuits, cookies, flapjacks, you name it, it was there! 4TE got to snack on their treats and we shared the goods with the rest of the school as well. It was a magnificent way to conclude a brilliant day and start to term. I’d like to finally thank everyone in 4TE for such a fantastic start to the year. I hope everyone has a great couple weeks and we shall see you soon!

Gory Gladiators

This week, 3HJ have had the pleasure of learning all about the gruesome lives of Roman gladiators. We have discovered many horrifying facts ranging from fighting with wild animals to women slaves also being thrown in to the colosseum to battle. We have been fully immersed in this new learning which kicked off with a ‘Silent Conversation’ where the children had to decide whether a whole host of facts were true or false. Children then learnt about the the different types of armour and how they were trained at school for battles. It has been wonderful to see everyone so engaged in their learning. Well done 3HJ! Now …… let’s do battle!

Harry Kane watch your back!

3LG have been honing their football skills this week in PE, working on their dribbling, passing and shooting. They have been working really hard on controlling the ball and working together as a team. The children worked both on their own to develop their ball skills and in groups to coach each other’s technique with the ball.

Roman Army Experts!

4TE were very busy today demonstrating all of their knowledge of the Roman Army! Alongside the knowledge they already held, the children had to create an anchor chart which would show all of the new information about the Roman army which they had learnt today. What came as a result of this, was numerous amounts of fantastic, informative and visually eye-catching pieces of work. Some children even chose to stay in at break time to work on their anchor charts instead of going out! A brilliant time was had by all.

The Final Straw!

Today, 4TE solved a variety of mathematical conundrums using art sticks! We had to grapple with lots of tricky ideas but through showing some great perseverance, our Crew managed to prevail and solve the questions! Afterwards, we embarked on a treasure hunt of sorts along the school corridors solving a number of different literacy questions. It was a very busy day in 4TE and a great way to conclude a fab week!

Chance To Dance

This year, Y3 are working with the Royal Opera House on the Chance To Dance programme. Through this programme the children will be working on the Royal Ballet Alice in Wonderland. This week the children came up with 8 beat movements that they thought expressed the different characters from the ballet. The children used their imagination to transform into the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Queen of Hearts and Alice. They thought about how all the different would act and used this to put together small routines in the style of the Alice ballet.

Comparing numbers with a ‘Twist’

3HJ couldn’t believe their ears when they were given permission to use the tables as jotters this week! You can see the excitement on their faces. Here we are showing our understanding of less than, more than and equal to. A fantastic maths lessons which resulted in wonderful outcomes! I also had plenty of volunteers to clean up too!

Table Transformations!

4TE ended a fantastic week by getting very creative in maths! Everyone was able to demonstrate their mathematical knowledge and workings out on their tables. The only problem we struggled with, was who was going to clean it all up!