Has Doncaster changed over time?

This week, during expedition lessons, we have been discovering how human features in our town of Doncaster have changed over time. We identified key areas such as sports facilities, entertainment and education and compared pictures from the 1990s to now. We discovered that many have developed over time to accommodate a rise in population, popularity and ease of accessibility. The vocabulary produced by the children was pronominal and it was great to see them so excited about their hometown!

What a Wonderful World

3LG have started the new year off with a bang!

As immersion into our new topic, over the last week 3LG have been creating lots of beautiful artwork. This has included making ripped paper collages of the Earth, Mandy Barker style artwork and papier mache polar bears.

The children put lots of time and care into their creations, and the wonderful artwork now makes up the start of our display. It was great to see 3LG so excited for our new topic and already asking themselves what they can do to help save the planet.

Welcome back 4TE!

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year’s! This week, 4TE have been getting right back into action by becoming extremely creative immersing themselves with our new expedition, ‘What a Wonderful World’. Our eventual goal will be to answer the question of ‘Why should we protect our beautiful planet’.

In order to immerse ourselves, we have been creating Arctic-themed crafts, and learning a little bit about the Arctic, climate change and global warming. Here are some of our crafts we have been creating!

A step into the wild!

As we begin our spring expedition, the children have been transported into the depths of the Amazon rainforest as they start to explore our guiding question: ‘Why should we help our planet survive?‘ During hook week, the pupils were first immersed in the wonder of the Amazon, from the rainforest layers to the biodiversity of the species that reside there. To celebrate this, our class designed and created an incredible door display, complete with indigenous species from the rainforest canopy. As the week has progressed, the children have gradually been introduced to the issue of deforestation and have produced some thought-provoking news reports to highlight different perspectives on the subject.

🌎 Why should we help our planet survive? – Hook Week

Thrown into the vast and dense Amazon Rainforest, 6CC have answered the call of planet Earth’s SOS to learn about the importance of this natural beauty and the to raise awareness of its vital role in regulating our world’s climate.

This week, years 5 & 6 have been introduced to several of the endangered species inhabiting ‘the lungs of the world’ and where they belong in this complex eco system. 6CC have produced wonderful piece of split artwork through teamwork and determination, as well as creating their own plea to stop deforestation via a group made news report. 📽️

Back to school with a bang!

What a great start to the new year we have had! It has been so lovely to welcome our children back into school and hear all your Christmas adventures.

Immersion week has seen some truly wonderful art projects happening for our exciting new expedition – What a Wonderful World!

We have got our hands well and truly sticky with papier-mâché as well as creating paper collages of our beautiful Earth! We can’t wait to show you the finished products!

Christmas Quiz Madness!

It was final week before Christmas and all were relaxed, quietly reading their reading book. Then, Mr Cicero thought it best to introduce his big Christmas Quiz…

The tranquility was shattered. Friendships fractured (momentarily). Christmas chaos had well and truly begun!

Safe to say, 6CC fully enjoyed the start to their week! 👏🏻👍🏼😂

A Crafty Christmas

Crafting for Christmas

It was such a treat to invite parents into school to take part in Our Christmas craft afternoon! We demonstrated patience and resilience whilst making Hama bead decorations and also ‘Elf-ed ourselves’. Thanks as always to our wonderful parents and carers for supporting your children.