The Polar Bear Necessities

Last week Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to take a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park with the rest of LKS2 from all XP Trust Schools. During the day 3LG did lots of animal spottings, and even heard the lions roar. We saw, wallabies, camels, meerkats, a leopard, tigers and zebras. But our favourite was defitinetly the lemurs, who were so active running around and climbing just above our heads.

The focus of our trip was “Project Polar”, a conservation programme run by YWP in order to help save the polar bears in their natural habitat. As part of this, we were so excited to have a workshop all about polar bears run by one of the zoo’s experts. During the workshop we learned all about the adaptations polar bears have, why they are endangered and what we can do to help save them.