Deforestation Debates

This week, we transported year 5 into the depths of the Amazon Rainforest to take part in an important debate to determine whether more land should be bought from a local indigenous community to be used for industry. Many other parties that are affected by deforestation in the rainforest also decided to attend the meeting as they wished to have their voices heard.

Using this learning hook, our children worked collaboratively in small groups to write an argument for or against deforestation from the perspective of one of these groups, which resulted in some outstanding persuasive writing! Fantastic work 5RS!

Crazy cartwheels!

This week in PE, cartwheels have been the focus of our gymnastics program. Starting from scratch in many cases, the children examined how experts completed the cartwheel, step-by-step, before attempting the movement by themselves. Those who felt comfortable were challenged even further my including a hurdle step prior to their cartwheel, increasing the speed and power of their movement. Top effort by all!

Songwriters of the year

This term LKS2 across the trust are coming together to record a charity single, promoting our message of caring for the planet. As part of this, each school has been tasked to write a verse of the song. NJS will be opening the song with verse 1 and today we started the process of putting everything together.

Today Y3 were joined by Geoff to help us write the lyrics for our section of the product through a songwriting workshop. We analysed music, wrote letters to the Earth expressing our feelings about climate change and then turned these thoughts and feelings into lyrics. The children shared some amazing ideas and came together to create a great verse to the song.

We can’t wait to be able to record the song, and sing our lyrics.

Order it, compare it, simplify it, add & subtract it!

In Maths, fractions have been our focus for the majority of Spring term so far. This week, the children have been deepening their understanding of finding a common multiple to help them compare, order, add and subtract fractions.

Intent on mastering fractions, half of the class mentored their peers in finding the common multiple so they could order fractions. Excited by the thought of using their own ‘teacher equipment’, they embraced the opportunity to support and challenge their classmates. Top notch, 6CC! 👍🏼😁

Special visitors from The Royal Ballet

This morning 3HJ were joined by visitors from Royal Opera House. The progress made by the children in the short time since starting ballet lessons has been phenomenal with huge amounts of determination and focus. We performed our Alice in Wonderland routine perfectly to an excited audience of year 4 children. All our special visitors commented on how well behave and polite our children were and loved that they were actively supporting each other. So so proud of you all.

Why did the leopard hate playing hide and seek? Because he was always spotted!

6CC thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park today will all the children captivated by the wide variety of animals prowling about the grounds. Old classics such as the roaring lion prides, majestic Amur tigers and towering polar bears were a spectacle to behold; new inhabitants of the park such as the Harar hyenas and Californian sea lions were also on show, adding to the diversity.

However, the workshop with a wildlife expert introduced several of Earth’s most well known species and how they faired in terms of their Red list level – the rating of endangerment. An eye opening experience educating the children about why the population of certain animals is declining and what is being done to help save the species.

Overall, a fantastic day out for our expedition. Well done, Crew!

In The Zone!

Today, 4TE have been practising their reading skills with some test questions about our key text – ‘The Last Bear’. We have had to get in the zone and be detectives to uncover the secrets within the text, and figure out the answers to some tricky test-like questions! We have really been working super hard as you can see!