An Unexpected Journey 🗡🗻

The works of J.R.Tolkien to were brought to life today with the children of 4TE and 6CC engaging in a variety of activities linked to ‘The Hobbit’.

From rune message decoding to creating art based on the setting and characters from the novels, all enjoyed learning about the different aspects of the story, as well as listening to the audio book and using clips from the films for stimuli. One of the most popular activities of the day was to create your own archaic map for your own adventure story. Beautiful work!

Y5 Celebration of Learning

This week, the children’s hard work during their first expedition, The Magic of Motion, was acknowledged by their celebration of learning presentation, which also gave the pupils the opportunity to unveil their final product: an information board that will be displayed at one of the local train stations. Throughout the event, all of the students in 5RS demonstrated impressive presentation skills. They were extremely mature and spoke knowledgably with great confidence, which was wonderful to observe!

Arctic Ice Scientists!

This week, in line with our expedition, “What a Wonderful World” and Guiding Question “How Can We Protect Our Beautiful Planet”, 4TE have been researching the effect of global warming on the ice in the arctic with an experiment a bit closer to home! We placed a fixed number of ice cubes in different locations around school to see how the temperature of the different locations would affect the melting of the ice. As you can see, the results were shocking!

Division using a number line

This week saw 3HJ grappling with division. We used number lines to help solve a range of worded problems involving the children jumping in groups of 10. They worked collaboratively, supporting each other and I was astonished how quickly 3HJ grasped this new and tricky concept. Amazing work from everyone!

Welcome to the percentage shop!

The first morning back and the year 6 crews have been busy at work calculating Mr Hewitt’s new prices for his bargain basement. Using their knowledge of finding percentages of amounts, the children overcame a range of (discounts) obstacles. Well done to the crews as well for their peer support and mentoring that preceded the discount finding fun!

Show and Tell!

To bookmark the end of this extremely enjoyable first half of the spring term, 4TE held a show and tell at the start of Friday. It was so lovely to see all the brilliant items so many of the children decided to bring in and to hear the stories and sentiments behind these. It was a pleasure to experience and I am extremely proud of the children not only having the confidence to stand up before the class, but to also feel comfortable to bring in such precious and cherished items and to share these with everyone.

On a final note, I hope everyone has an absolutely lovely half term break and I look forward to seeing you all again soon!