For P.E this week, 6CC received some cricket training ahead of the second summer term. The warm up focused on heightening their alertness and reaction times ahead of a smaller game; we certainly have a high number of competitive individuals in Year 6!
Looking at developing their bowling and batting skills, the children moved onto a small, four-sided game, where all had a chance to show their stuff with a cricket ball and bat; following this, the class was then split into two teams for a class quick cricket match in the sun.
On Tuesday, 6CC and 6SO visited the Thackray Museum in Leeds to gain an insight into the history of healthcare in Britain. The children began their journey at ‘Disease Street’: a Victorian street showcasing the horrifically unhygienic conditions and how medical emergencies were conducted at the time – without anaesthetic and any care for cleanliness. Further into the museum, the children learned about the stories behind some of the most prolific medical inventions and discoveries from the 1800s, such as Semelweiss and Lister. Watch our video to take a trip with us!
A massive well done to everybody that took part in the Y3 Chance to Dance Easter School. The performance you put on was absolutely amazing.
We are so happy and excited to announce that the winners have been selected and will be starting their tuition at Hazelbiz Performers Academy in September. Well done girls, we can’t wait to see how you get on as your dance journey continues.
To celebrate completing this years SATs, 6CC took to the woodland area this morning to enjoy a very different treat. Following a safety briefing from our own outdoors expert, Mrs Blunt, each child roasted their own marshmallow under her guidance to make their very own s’more. It is no surprise the s’mores did not last long and the treat went down very well amongst the class.
Today, 4TE have become news reporters! Recently, we have been learning about the tarnished history of sugar and its links to slavery. We have specifically been looking at the life and times of Mary Prince – a famous abolishionist. Below is a compilation of various parts of our individual news reports blended into one. The children wrote their own scripts and researched all of the information themselves. This has hopefully culminated in a very professional and informative report!
Today, 3HJ took on the role of news readers, presenting their research about the Triangular Slave trade and the lives of Equiano and Mary Prince. Each group worked well together to plan and write their scripts which were carefully practised and performed to the whole class. Future journalists in the making!
Today the children pretended to be news readers and presented their research from yesterday about Mary Prince. They pretended they were the first people to report on Mary Prince, telling the class everything about her, from her time as a slave to the part she played in the abolition of slavery.
Today I was lucky enough to accompany 5RS to the Thackray Medical Museum delving into all things medicine! The children loved exploring Disease Street and identifying all the different types of medical equipment! We also took part in an amputation! Thanks for a great day 5RS!
Our Friday in 6CC began with a bang as the class split themselves into teams to take on a Kahoot! quiz: revision edition. Each team battled it out to become the quiz master, utilising their knowledge and understanding of shape.
Magnificent mentoring! As we prepare for SATs, the children have stepped up their efforts to mentor and listen to the feedback of their peers, particularly in Maths. As you can see below, our arithmetic pairs have been working exceptionally hard to revise previous learning and refine their maths skills. Might I add that their mentors have been doing a pretty fine job too!
Above: When learning about scale factors, the children worked hard to increase a picture of Mario or Luigi by a scale factor of two!
SPAG revision took more of a creative focus last week as the children worked in pairs to design their own SPAG test: 8 questions with a focus of eight SPAG areas. When finished, the pairs then swapped tests with another pair and worked through their questions to see if they could achieve full marks!