Last week, we enjoyed raising money for Comic Relief by wearing red to school. Children also took part in a T shirt designing competition. Check out the designs from 3HJ and huge well done to our winner Isabella and her tie dye creation!

Last week, we enjoyed raising money for Comic Relief by wearing red to school. Children also took part in a T shirt designing competition. Check out the designs from 3HJ and huge well done to our winner Isabella and her tie dye creation!
The LKS2 theme for science week this year was connections so what could be more fun than building towers out of sweets. The children were challenged to construct the tallest free standing tower using only 2 pieces of equipment – midget gems and cocktail sticks. Check the wonderful designs by our year 3 children and parents. Huge thank you to all those who came to support their children.
Well done to these children with a tower measuring 72cm!
These two towers were chosen for the creative designs!
The year six girls had an enjoyable afternoon competing against other UKS2 teams in Doncaster on the 8th March. In every game, the girls demonstrated teamwork, skill and physicality, especially in the face of larger, more assertive opponents. The winter weather added another, more chilly dimension to the competition and the team now look forward to possible competitions in the summer in warmer conditions. Well played, girls! ⚽
It was lovely to celebrate World Book Day this year with many of the school population dressing up as one of their favourite book characters. Year 4 were transferred to 6CC and enjoyed the morning solving riddles and creating their own enchanted story maps with legends for points of interest. There was even enough time for a WBD Kahoot Quiz!
A team of year 4 dodgeballers took on four local teams today at Campsmount Academy; whilst results may not have gone their way with many close calls, the determined set of year 4s dipped, ducked, dived and dodged in every match and played valiantly until the end. Thank your to Leger Sport for organising the competition. Great work, team!
Last week y3 started the second part of the 2022/23 Chance to Dance programme with weekly workshops with Chance to Dance associate artist and local dance teacher Miss Wendy. This week the children have been learning all about dynamics during dance and perfecting their ballet technique.
We think the children look ace doing their ballet and can’t wait to see the dance come together over the next weeks!!
This half term, year 3 have began our final case study for our expedition – The Power of Life. Children have started to explore coding through Scratch which is the largest coding community which enables children to create digital stories, games and animations. The children in 3HJ already know far more than I do already! Check out their incredible designs!
During yesterday’s crew session, year 3 had a lovely time eating delicious pancakes. It was a tough choice between Nutella, golden syrup, strawberry syrup or lemon with a sprinkle of sugar. Which topping is your favourite?
To promote Children’s Mental Health Week all crews in Year 3 played a couple of games of ’Let’s Connect Bingo’. It was lovely to see children connecting with each other, finding others with shared interests, building new friendships and most importantly having fun! And yes – Mrs Gill loves pepperoni pizza!
Perimeter practical!
Year 6 began the week by investigating perimeter and took to measuring the perimeter of rectilinear shapes in the classroom using a variety of equipment. After recapping units of measurement and how some units were best suited for particular contexts (such as km for measuring the distance from school to the local Coop and centimetres for the length of a pencil), the children began to explore perimeter practically. They measured the perimeter of their books whiteboards, boxes, tables, joined tables and much more. Great effort, 6CC!
Year 6 Basketball Tournament
6EG and 6CC took to the courts on Wednesday morning for a basketball tournament to culminate their PE topic. Skills that had been taught through the sequence were on show with children also demonstrating leadership and sportsmanship qualities by motivating and celebrating team members!