Special Delivery!

Rather amazingly, as part of our upcoming celebration of learning, Y3/4 children will be planting a tree each within our school grounds thanks to a kind donation by Murphy’s Group and delivered by Lumby Garden Centre. There were over a 120 trees delivered in total and our children made light work of transporting them to our ‘holding zone’ before we will finally plant them at the end of March. Just look at the glee on their faces. Magnificent!

NJS Poetry Jam!

The children have been focusing on poetry in the Tranquil Tuesday crew sessions this term. They have read and performed a wide range of poetry and then chose a poem to perform to another crew this Tuesday. Here is Crew Oliver and Crew Bradbury performing their poems of choice to one another.

Sharing our Stories: 01/03/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Expedition Stories: LKS2 @ Plover

This week we’re proud to share the beautiful story LKS2s Expedition from last term ‘Coming to Doncaster: why then and why now?’. The incredible work from the students is on display outside the school for the community to see – make sure you go and check it out!

Being Human: Beautiful work in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead

This week beautiful work created by students at XP Gateshead was curated and unveiled at the QE Hospital!

What does it mean to be human?’

As part of their learning the students considered what makes a human both in a scientific way, through study of the gas exchange, circulatory and reproductive systems, and with regard to culture and religious beliefs when studying the Abrahamic faiths and the sanctity of human life. 

Students then began the analysis of the tone and structure of successful speeches, and used this learning to write persuasive speeches on the topic of organ donation. 

The theme of how humans and their societies and cultures grow and develop was then explored. Studying the development of humans from a single cell, through childhood, and puberty and onwards to adulthood. Adding to this theme we also considered our evolutionary past. 

Students also worked with an expert to explore innovations and advancements that are being made around the world to help and support the development of humans. Alongside this students met with experts in organ donation, Dharmic faiths and Humanist beliefs  in order to reflect upon who we want to be and how we can be the best version of ourselves. 

The students were then challenged to create artwork to promote organ donation, and reflect upon what it means to be Human. Students also gave a speech expressing what they think it means to be human to parents and experts. 

This work displayed at the QE hospital is the result of XPG’s community collaboration and celebrates what it means to be human and how together we are stronger.

The work has been well received already and Gateshead NHS have shared this post about working with the students at XPG!

XP on the TV!

We’re on TV next week!

XP Doncaster will be featured in a BBC Two documentary to be aired on the 7th March.

Multi award winning TV company Tern TV, spent several days filming with us last summer, with the presenter Darren McGarvey, who won the Orwell prize for his book ‘Poverty Safari’.

The filming was for the second of three documentaries, which in order focus on Justice, Education and Health, titled: Darren McGarvey: The State We’re In.

Claira Salter, our Principal of XP Doncaster said:

“We love to share what we do across the XP Trust, welcoming over a thousand visitors and delegates from all over the world in the last year alone. So, when we were approached by Tern TV to take part in the education documentary presented by Darren, it was a real opportunity to engage with an even wider audience here and for our students to participate in the process of interviewing and film making.”

“We are looking forward to seeing all three programmes and are delighted that the spotlight will also be on Doncaster and the communities and partners we are proud to work with.”

All episodes are available on BBC iPlayer now and the Education documentary will be broadcast on Thursday 7th March at 9pm on BBC Two. 

Top of the Blogs

Weekly update for parents @ XP Gateshead

Kindness changes everything @ Norton Infants

Family Learning Y3/4 @ Green Top

Fantastic artwork in Year 9 @ XP

Fieldwork Fun at Yorkshire Wildlife Park @ Plover

C26 Celebrations @ XP East

Science Experiment @ Carcroft School

Year 3 are Magnetic! @ Norton Juniors

We’re looking for an awesome Learning Coach at Plover School!

Find out more about the role and apply here to #JoinOurCrew

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Y3 Are Magnetic

Yesterday afternoon, Y3 put on their scientist hats and been investigated all about magnets. We went around the classroom testing which items attracted and repelled the magnets. We also looked at what happened when we put different combinations of the magnetic poles together.

Cube work: thinking outside the box… 🧊

To begin their work on volume, 6CC’s work in Maths last week started with cubes. After discussing the differences and similarities between a square and its 3D cousin, the cube, the children started to think about how the space inside might be measured and how would the units of measurement differ.

After studying formula for volume, children set predicting how make cubes would be needed in total to make a larger cube so many cubes high before making and confirming their predictions. Others used the formula and knowledge of cube numbers to determine the edge length of a cube with a given volume. A great way for children to explore volume and introduce them to the properties of this 3D shape!

Lowry in Doncaster!

During Case Study 2, we have been creating our final product, which is a Lowry-style painting of the Doncaster landscape. The students took their own photos of buildings during our fieldwork experience and have been practising a range of watercolour painting techniques to ensure they were ready to create their final product.

Industrial Revolution Artwork! 🖌️🎨🖼️

On Friday morning, the talented artists of 6CC embarked on a creative adventure, putting their drawing and watercolour skills to the test. The result? A stunning collection of Lowry-inspired final products that captured the essence of Doncaster’s prominent architecture from the Industrial Revolution.

With great attention to detail, the children meticulously recreated the city’s historical landmarks, breathing life into the iconic structures that once stood witness to the transformative era. The Industrial Revolution’s impact on Doncaster’s landscape served as the perfect backdrop for this artistic exploration. Still more work to do to finish these masterpieces and mimic Lowry’s the dull, industrial effect!