Science Week Challenge

 The LKS2 theme for science week this year was connections so what could be more fun than building towers out of sweets. The children were challenged to construct the tallest free standing tower using only 2 pieces of equipment – midget gems and cocktail sticks. Check the wonderful designs by our year 3 children and parents. Huge thank you to all those who came to support their children.

Well done to these children with a tower measuring 72cm!

These two towers were chosen for the creative designs!

Coding with Scratch

This half term, year 3 have began our final case study for our expedition – The Power of Life. Children have started to explore coding through Scratch which is the largest coding community which enables children to create digital stories, games and animations. The children in 3HJ already know far more than I do already! Check out their incredible designs!

Happy Pancake Day

Happy pancake day from Y3! Yesterday for crew we had a lovely morning eating pancakes. With a choice of either nutella, golden sugar, strawberry syrup and the classic lemon and sugar we were spoilt for choice.

A big thank you to Mrs Jenkins who spent her Monday night making 70 crepes!!

Children’s Mental Health Week

To promote Children’s Mental Health Week all crews in Year 3 played a couple of games of ’Let’s Connect Bingo’. It was lovely to see children connecting with each other, finding others with shared interests, building new friendships and most importantly having fun! And yes – Mrs Gill loves pepperoni pizza!

Promoting Mental Wellbeing

This half term during our Wise Wednesday crew sessions, Year 3 have been focussing on Mental Wellbeing. The children have spent time discussing different emotions, how we can understand them and how they can effect our behaviour. These beautiful mindfulness colouring sheets brought calm into our classroom this morning and were coloured in beautifully. We cant wait to get them displayed around school.