Deforestation Debates

This week, we transported year 5 into the depths of the Amazon Rainforest to take part in an important debate to determine whether more land should be bought from a local indigenous community to be used for industry. Many other parties that are affected by deforestation in the rainforest also decided to attend the meeting as they wished to have their voices heard.

Using this learning hook, our children worked collaboratively in small groups to write an argument for or against deforestation from the perspective of one of these groups, which resulted in some outstanding persuasive writing! Fantastic work 5RS!

Songwriters of the year

This term LKS2 across the trust are coming together to record a charity single, promoting our message of caring for the planet. As part of this, each school has been tasked to write a verse of the song. NJS will be opening the song with verse 1 and today we started the process of putting everything together.

Today Y3 were joined by Geoff to help us write the lyrics for our section of the product through a songwriting workshop. We analysed music, wrote letters to the Earth expressing our feelings about climate change and then turned these thoughts and feelings into lyrics. The children shared some amazing ideas and came together to create a great verse to the song.

We can’t wait to be able to record the song, and sing our lyrics.

Special visitors from The Royal Ballet

This morning 3HJ were joined by visitors from Royal Opera House. The progress made by the children in the short time since starting ballet lessons has been phenomenal with huge amounts of determination and focus. We performed our Alice in Wonderland routine perfectly to an excited audience of year 4 children. All our special visitors commented on how well behave and polite our children were and loved that they were actively supporting each other. So so proud of you all.

3LG have the Chance to Dance

This morning we were lucky enough to be joined by visitors from the Royal Opera House and Royal Ballet. The children were a credit to the school, and we received lots of positive feedback from the visitors. The children worked so hard, were super focused and finally got to perform their Alice in Wonderland dance to an audience. Myself and Mrs Gracey are so proud of them all, and the growth from when we started at the beginning of autumn has been incredible. Well done 3LG!

The Polar Bear Necessities

Last week Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to take a trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park with the rest of LKS2 from all XP Trust Schools. During the day 3LG did lots of animal spottings, and even heard the lions roar. We saw, wallabies, camels, meerkats, a leopard, tigers and zebras. But our favourite was defitinetly the lemurs, who were so active running around and climbing just above our heads.

The focus of our trip was “Project Polar”, a conservation programme run by YWP in order to help save the polar bears in their natural habitat. As part of this, we were so excited to have a workshop all about polar bears run by one of the zoo’s experts. During the workshop we learned all about the adaptations polar bears have, why they are endangered and what we can do to help save them.

A better use of bed sheets!

This week, year 5 have used a selection of bedsheets to create their own landforms, which they then used as a basis to investigate human land use. The children used the contours of the land to add a river, forests and pastures, before discussing collaboratively how these might affect human settlements. The pupils recognized the importance of providing human settlements with a water supply, vegetation, building materials, space for livestock and a means of defense. Super work 5RS!

Our ‘Roar-some’ trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

What a wonderful we had during our visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park! To immerse our children fully into our expedition ‘What a Wonderful World’, we visited many amazing breads of animals from all around the world! Particular favourites of 3HJ were the red pandas, sea lions and of course the polar bears. The absolute highlight however was the parading leopard who seem to enjoy his time with us and put on a great show. Lots of happy memories were made today and the children were a credit to NJS! 😊

Year 5 Geographers!

After taking part in a gallery walk of photographs taken from the local area, our year 5 geographers were able to distinguish clearly between human and physical features and explain how the latter has influenced the former. They are then going to build on this learning next week by creating a model land form and using the physical features of the land to inform their human settlements and land use. Super work year 5!

Has Doncaster changed over time?

This week, during expedition lessons, we have been discovering how human features in our town of Doncaster have changed over time. We identified key areas such as sports facilities, entertainment and education and compared pictures from the 1990s to now. We discovered that many have developed over time to accommodate a rise in population, popularity and ease of accessibility. The vocabulary produced by the children was pronominal and it was great to see them so excited about their hometown!