Fact treasure hunt

In yesterday’s expedition lesson, we had a treasure hunt to discover facts about the Romans and complete the missing words on the sheet. This active lesson was really fun and it was incredible to see everybody being so supportive of each other and be able to retrieve and recite the facts they had found. I can’t wait to explore the Romans more with you all throughout this term.

Times Tables Olympics

Today was our first session in times tables olympics. The focus on this activity was incredible and the times table skills are very clear. Keep working hard and having this type of resilience in maths and you will be times tables rockstars in no time 3VT.

Romans for the day

What a fantastic start to year 3 and the beginning of our Roman expedition. We had an epic day at Murton Park, from seeing the Roman villages to becoming Roman soldiers. Our adventures included learning how to hold a shield and spear, how to fight and use a sword, how to throw and use a javelin, how to write in Latin and lastly how to make an oil lamp out of clay. It was incredible to immerse ourselves into Roman life and have this experience!

Expert Visit- Modern Day Miner

Yesterday afternoon Y5 and 6 had an expert visit. He spoke to us about his current job working in modern mines and a brief history of mines. The students then had lots of questions for him to answer and it was great to see how engaged the students were.

NJS Globetrotters!

Over the past two weeks, teams from years 3&4 and 5&6 have ventured to Campsmount to take part in Leger Sport basketball competitions. As always, the events were well organised and highly competitive with our children representing the school proudly. Whilst both teams achieved third, their team spirit, resilience (against incredibly tall opponents) and togetherness was inspiring. Well done to both teams!