And on the first day, Year 5 made papier mache planets!

To begin their ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ hook week, Year 5 started making the eight planets, the Moon and the Sun to create a classroom Milky Way solar system. In teams of three, the class used a mixture of PVA glue and water to layer old newspaper on top of different sized balloons representing a given planet.

More exciting planetary news to follow later in the week!

Brockadale Nature Reserve

On Thursday, Yr 5 & 6 were given the challenge to complete a 12 km walk to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back. 5HJ supported each other along way and showed huge levels of determination and stamina. The sun was shining and we all had a fabulous time. I can’t wait for the fantastic year ahead! 

First Week Back!

What a great first week for 3EG at NJS! There have been plenty of smiles and lots of laughter! 3EG have taken part in a mini sports day, made kindness pebbles, and enjoyed lots of team games.

Trek through the wilderness!

Yesterday, Year 5 and 6 took part in a trek around Brockadale Nature Reserve. It wasn’t easy but the pupils showed resilience, perseverance, positivity and they supported each other which was lovely to see.

First week back focus, fun and frivolity!

It’s been quite the first week back so far and the children having been busy getting to know each other through engaging in a variety of activities and tasks. Here, we have problem solved, worked on teamwork and communication as well as exploring what Crew means to us.

Crew Olympic Games!

Yesterday, Year 5 and 6 took part in a Crew Olympic Games event! The pupils worked together in to crews and participated in games and problem-solving tasks. We were so impressed by their communication and teamwork skills and of course they had a lot of fun too!

From The Ground Up: LISTEN NOW!

Check out one of our students’ latest beautiful Expedition products, featuring powerful folk songs created by Year 7 at XP Gateshead, inspired by the rich mining heritage of North-East England. From performing mining-related songs to studying historical events and visiting Beamish Museum, our students have captured the essence of the miners’ stories.

Dive into the history and heart of mining communities with us and listen along in all your favourite places here!

Cup Completion at NJS

That’s right everyone, after a grand total of 66 full throttle football fixtures at Norton’s now famous sports field – culminating in a total of 142 goals and some quite extraordinary celebrations – we have our winners to be announced during tomorrow’s leavers assembly.

I must say, however, that the spirit in which the game has been played has been magnificent, as has the level of magnanimity from the majority of the players in defeat.

Who needs the Euros when you have Mr Fellowes’ Cup?