Christingle Assembly

We have had some very special assemblies across NortonCampus today. Mr Chadwick arranged forReverend Chris to visitus, and he brought with him his friend Chris. He talked to us aboutthe importance of aChristingle and what it means.

He invited us all to a special Christingle service at CampsallChurch on Christmas Eve at 4pm. During theservice we will get totake part in a Nativity, sing some Christmas carols, make our ownChristingle and we willeven be able to hear Chris’ voice (it onlyworks on Christmas Eve!)

For more information about the meaning behind Christingle -follow this link.

Thank you,
Mrs Parsons xx

NJS Globetrotters!

Over the past two weeks, teams from years 3&4 and 5&6 have ventured to Campsmount to take part in Leger Sport basketball competitions. As always, the events were well organised and highly competitive with our children representing the school proudly. Whilst both teams achieved third, their team spirit, resilience (against incredibly tall opponents) and togetherness was inspiring. Well done to both teams!

Fantastic Footballing Skills! ⚽️

On Wednesday 5th October, NJS sent a team of Y3/4s and Y5/6s to our first Leger Sport Competition of the year. Both teams performed excellently on the day and enjoyed the opportunity to perform against other well-coached teams in the small-sided games. Shoutout to Liam in year six for his leadership skills in helping to organise and encourage his teammates in the Y5/6 team!

Well done to all involved and thank you to the Leger Sport Staff, Campsmount and the other schools in the local area for an excellent event. May it be the first of many!

Crew building!

Our class crew enjoyed a wonderful first week back engaging in a range of exciting team building activities! One of these activities was a STEM task where the children were challenged to design a table out of newspaper that was at least 20cm high and capable of holding at least one dictionary. In true NJS style, our crew smashed their goal and created a table that held an impressive FIVE dictionaries! Excellent team work 5RS – what a great start to the year!

Happy, Healthy Me

The summer term has got off to an exciting start with year 5’s immersion into their new expedition: Happy, Healthy Me. Over the course of this week, the children have been getting active (setting new 1 mile PBs and investigating their heart-rate recovery time after exercise), in addition to blind-tasting a range of healthy and unhealthy products and creating some fantastic plague doctor artwork (the focus of our first case study). What a fantastic start to our final expedition!