Visitors from the Royal Opera House

Today Y3 had the amazing opportunity to work with visitors from the Chance to Dance programme. Each class got an hour long workshop with Bim (a Royal Ballet artist) and Miss Wendy from Hazelbiz Performers Academy.

During the workshop we thought all about ice scupltures – how they look and how they might move. We focused on the word “gliding” and used this to help us move around the hall. Eventually, we turned ourselves into intertwining ice sculptures.

Y3 Go Christmas Crackers

It’s 1st December and it is fair to say we are already feeling in the Christmas spirit. The start of December saw the arrival of Zoink the Elf, who brought with him the Christmas tree and advent calendars. We had a fabulous time this morning in crew listening to Christmas music and decorating the tree.

We kicked off our festive celebrations with the Y3 Christmas Crafts Fair. We made some amazing Christmas wreaths, Christmas cards and paper snowflakes. A big thank you from the entire Y3 team to all the parents who came in and joined us this morning.

NJS Globetrotters!

Over the past two weeks, teams from years 3&4 and 5&6 have ventured to Campsmount to take part in Leger Sport basketball competitions. As always, the events were well organised and highly competitive with our children representing the school proudly. Whilst both teams achieved third, their team spirit, resilience (against incredibly tall opponents) and togetherness was inspiring. Well done to both teams!

Children In Need

Our ’Flexible Friday’ crew session this week saw us completing a range of Pudsey Bear themed activities to raise awareness for Children In Need. Children were invited to come to school in non-uniform and donations were collected. It was a great effort across school with money raised for a very worthy cause!

NJS Remembers

On Remembrance Day, LKS2 spent the day making some these beautiful remembrance day cards which included a watercolour poppy and an acrostic poem. These works of art were taken to Campsall Church and given to members of the community who attended the Remembrance service.

Chance To Dance

This week the children in year 3 were excited to take part in the launch of our Chance to Dance lessons. Our focus ballet this year is The Nutcracker. To start, the children were introduced to the main characters from the ballet and created motifs to show their personality and how they might move. It was lovely to see how all children embraced this new genre of dance and the effort they put in to perfecting their performances.