Science Week

Year 5 spent the morning investigating “How does exercise affect our heart rate?” The children created their own investigations to answer the question making predictions and creating a fair test. Despite the intermittent rain, 5HJ enjoyed completing activities of different intensities and were able to prove their predictions were correct.

Supporting our local charity

Yesterday, we welcomed an extra special visitor into school. Kath is a local volunteer who gives up her time to support UK charities in and around Doncaster including the homeless, food banks and women’s refuge. We presented Kath with the toiletries which were purchased by the money raised from Yr 5s bake sale back in August. She was a true inspiration to both adults and children and we have pledged to continue to support through the year.

National Space Centre

Our field work this week took in search of all things space. 5HJ spent a fantastic day exploring the museum to build background knowledge and engaging with a whole host of hands on, interactive activities. It was a struggle, but we managed to climb the 42 meter high Rocket Tower! What a wonderful day!

To Infinity and Beyond!

5HJ had an extremely fun filled hook week creating their own papier mache models of the solar system using tissue paper to colour them. The class also designed, created and launched their own rockets with prizes being given to the longest journey and the most eye catching design! Great effort from all with some almost crossing the playground!

Act of Kindness

During crew week, our guiding question was – How can crew be strengthened by acts of service to other? On Friday, Yr 5 visited The Laurels Residential home in Norton taking freshly baked scones and shortbread fingers. The children spent time making personalised bookmarks and decorating canvas bags which were given to the residents who truly appreciated the children’s visit and gifts.

Brockadale Nature Reserve

On Thursday, Yr 5 & 6 were given the challenge to complete a 12 km walk to Brockadale Nature Reserve and back. 5HJ supported each other along way and showed huge levels of determination and stamina. The sun was shining and we all had a fabulous time. I can’t wait for the fantastic year ahead! 

Sheep heart dissection

As part of our science case study in our Happy Healthy Me expedition, we have been looking at how to be the healthiest versions of ourselves. On Wednesday, year 5 visited Campsmount to dissect a sheep’s heart and use microscopes in the science labs. The visit sparked genuine interest and curiosity in our children who found the tasks exciting and meaningful. Thanks to Campsmount for welcoming us into school

New Hall Farm

During hook week, Yr 5 completed fieldwork at New Hall Farm in Barnsley where we learned all about who wheat and barley is grown, farmed and milled to make flour which is supplied to Warburtons to make bread. We also discovered how important hedgerows are to the many different animals and creatures that live there. Finally and most importantly, we had so much fun digging for worms in the cabbage field. Check out the size of some of the whoppers we found!