This week, year 3 have moved through case study 1 to investigate rocks. Children given a range of different rocks to look and sort using their properties. We were also lucky to have a huge box of fossils to look at thanks to Mrs Gill.
This week, year 3 have moved through case study 1 to investigate rocks. Children given a range of different rocks to look and sort using their properties. We were also lucky to have a huge box of fossils to look at thanks to Mrs Gill.
After spending the past 5 weeks learning everything there is to know about fractions in maths, 3HJ are definitely experts, especially in adding and subtracting fractions. Children supported each other today in completing a treasure hunt with high levels of accuracy. Well done guys!
What a wonderful day we had celebrating the coronation of King Charles lll despite the change in weather. During in crew, we designed royal book marks and played bottle flipping. The aim was to see how many times we could the bottle in 30 seconds. Well done to Henry who was the winner with 3!
Yesterday, LKS2 embarked on an exciting field trip to Magna Science Adventure Centre where we had an amazing experience for our pupils building background knowledge for our new expedition – Earth Shattering Events. During the day we explored the elements of earth, wind, fire and water with a highlight of watching the fire tornado. All children were an asset to our school and behaved perfectly.🔥🌎💦💨
During the Easter holidays, year 3 children were given the opportunity to take part in a 3 day intensive ballet workshop at XP school. During this time, children took part in choreographing a dance which was performed with 4 other schools for parents. The children represented our school beautifully and both myself and Miss Gate were given lovely feedback! What an achievement!
What an amazing afternoon we had at our Celebration of Learning event showcasing our fabulous learning of our expedition The Power Of Life: What Fuels Us? The children were immensely proud of the work they produced throughout this spring term and thoroughly enjoyed sharing it with parents and carers through our presentation, circuit activities and singing. Huge thinks to all those who attended.
I couldn’t have been prouder of the children in Yr 4, 5 & 6 who represented Norton Junior School in the Campsmount Come Dancing show. The theme for the show was different genres of dance and our girls danced jazz. Check out the amazing tricks and lifts. Huge thanks to Mrs Gracey who sorted all the costumes.
Last week, we enjoyed raising money for Comic Relief by wearing red to school. Children also took part in a T shirt designing competition. Check out the designs from 3HJ and huge well done to our winner Isabella and her tie dye creation!
To promote Children’s Mental Health Week all crews in Year 3 played a couple of games of ’Let’s Connect Bingo’. It was lovely to see children connecting with each other, finding others with shared interests, building new friendships and most importantly having fun! And yes – Mrs Gill loves pepperoni pizza!
Last week myself and Miss Gate had the absolute please of taking these wonder children to the Utilita Arena in Sheffield for this years Young Voices concert. Each and every child sang from their heart and were exceptionally well behaved. It was such a fantastic night and all staff couldn’t have been prouder!