Sam’s Safari Visit

We had the opportunity this morning to see, touch and learn about a variety of animals from rainforests. The students enjoyed asking questions about the different animals and learning whereabouts in the world they came from.

Market Research- Visit to NIS (Y2)

This week we have begun designing our rainforest animal soft toys. The students have been gathering their ideas together and have also been speaking to the experts (Year 2). They wrote their own questions and walked over to the infants to gather their market research.

Rainforest Survival Guides

This week, we have been busy working on our rainforest survival guides. We drafted our different sections, critiqued our work and our friends, and used our rubric to assess our writing before finally typing them up on Google Docs. You can see a few examples of the different sections on this week’s beautiful work slides!

Maths in 5JC

Some of the students were exploring powers of 10 in maths this week and had to follow the loop around the quad area!

Place Value in Y5

Today 5JC spent some time on Sumdog consolidating our learning around Place Value. They’ve still got plenty more questions to work through in their free time!

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

The students had a wonderful time at Yorkshire Wildlife Park last week, exploring the different areas and comparing the characteristics of each animal to those within the rainforest. The Amazonia section gave us some good information about the rainforests and the animals found there. We look forward to learning more about the rainforests and their inhabitants.

🍰🤍🧁 Act of kindness 🧁🤍🍰

During crew week, our guiding question was – How can crew be strengthened by acts of service to others? After holding crew sessions, Yr5 decided to litter pick whilst on our walk to Brockadale, visit The Laurels residential home to take gifts and spend time with residents as well as hold a bake sale to raise money for charity.

We are we’re blown away with the amount of donations received across Norton Campus and are excited to share that we raised a whopping £142.70. As a crew, we will decide where this money goes.

Hook Week- Animal Split Art

The students have enjoyed the start of Hook Week. They started by exploring pictures of animals and began to ask questions about how the animals are all connected and how they could be grouped together. They then chose an animal and have been using watercolours, pastels, pencils and crayons to create some split art. We are looking forward to seeing the finished pieces!