So you Want2Be a Roman?

Last week, Y3 were extremely lucky to be visited by Clare from Want2Be workshops for an all day roman workshop. The children came to school in their best roman attire and we started the day in the halllooking at clues into why the Roman’s invaded Britain.

We took part in a number of workshops, from looking at and building roman aqueducts and writing on wax tablets to playing the Roman game or Merels, we looked at all aspects of life in the Roman Empire. We even got our roman shields out and learned to march, stop and even create a Testudo formation.

Y3 Invade Murton with Park

What a way to start our expedition! On Tuesday, Year 3 were extremely excited as we went on our fieldwork to Murton Park. We started the day by donning our tunics and dressing up as Romans.

We had amazing lessons from the Centurian and took part in three fabulous workshops: writing in latin, creating clay oil lamps and training to be a Roman soldier.

The children were a credit to the school and themselves, being praised by Murton Park staff members for their exemplary behaviour and engagement.

What A Start!

WOW! What a start year 3 have had to their time at NJS! Since coming through the school gates on Tuesday in brand new blue uniforms, the children have made the entire year three team incredibly proud with how they have adapted to life in the juniors. We have had an action packed week with a number of team building activities and competitions.

On Tuesday, we headed outside and held a mini sports afternoon – we had running races, throwing competitions and even the speed bounce!

We have had lots of fun activities in our morning crew sessions this week. Wednesday saw a very competitive game of dodgeball between Crew Gate and Crew Gracey with all the children showing both amazing determination and sportsmanship. This morning, we were extremely lucky to be joined by a number of year 5 children to do some fabulous buddy reading.

We then headed to the hall as a whole year group for a STEM paper chain competition which the children absolutely knocked out of the park.

We finished the week by looking at acts of kindness. We started by getting out the litterpickers, heading outside and cleaning up the playground. We then headed back inside and baked rice crispy buns to be sold at the Y5 bake sale this afternoon.

3LG Are Rock Detectives

This morning, 3LG have been investigating the different properties of rocks.

We started our investigations by scratching different types of rocks with our fingernails, a coin and a paperclip to test the hardness. We then tried dropping water onto the rocks to test whether they were permeable or impermeable. We finished by dropping vinegar on the rocks to see if they fizzed, showing us whether or not they contained calcium. These tests allowed us to decide whether the rocks were sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic.

NJS Walk To School Week

This week NJS have been taking part in the Walk With Wildlife Five Day Walking Challenge.

As part of this, we have been using our crew time to discuss how we get to school in a morning, whether this be walking, driving or cycling. This has tied in nicely with our Wise Wednesday crew sessions over the half term, in which we have been debating the benefits of exercise and getting active outside.

We have even taken our walking challenge one step further, walking a mile around our school filed every morning during our crew sessions. We have been clocking up the steps, averaging around 1800 steps!