3LG Are Rock Detectives

This morning, 3LG have been investigating the different properties of rocks.

We started our investigations by scratching different types of rocks with our fingernails, a coin and a paperclip to test the hardness. We then tried dropping water onto the rocks to test whether they were permeable or impermeable. We finished by dropping vinegar on the rocks to see if they fizzed, showing us whether or not they contained calcium. These tests allowed us to decide whether the rocks were sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic.

Magna Science Adventure Centre

Yesterday, LKS2 embarked on an exciting field trip to Magna Science Adventure Centre where we had an amazing experience for our pupils building background knowledge for our new expedition – Earth Shattering Events. During the day we explored the elements of earth, wind, fire and water with a highlight of watching the fire tornado. All children were an asset to our school and behaved perfectly.🔥🌎💦💨

🩰💫 Chance to Dance 💫🩰

During the Easter holidays, year 3 children were given the opportunity to take part in a 3 day intensive ballet workshop at XP school. During this time, children took part in choreographing a dance which was performed with 4 other schools for parents. The children represented our school beautifully and both myself and Miss Gate were given lovely feedback! What an achievement!

Welcome back Year 4!

Today, we welcomed back all of our children from what was hopefully a lovely Easter break! In Year 4, we will be spending this week immersing ourselves into our new expedition! This term’s expedition, is called ‘Earth Shattering Events’ with the Guiding Question of, ‘What Happens When Nature Strikes!?’. In this expedition, we will be learing all about the natural phenomena which is found on our planet. The children began this learning by creating posters which highlight some of the natural disasters and landforms that can strike upon our planet. Lovely start to the expedition!