“Lest We Forget” Hook Week

This week year three have started their expedition learning all about World War Two. Y3 have produced beautiful artwork of a skyline during the Blitz, watched Bedknobs and Broomsticks, learned all about how World War Two started and created aiplanes out of lollipop sticks. It is fair to say we are now fully immersed in our autumn expedition and can’t wait to find out more next week!

Crew building!

Our class crew enjoyed a wonderful first week back engaging in a range of exciting team building activities! One of these activities was a STEM task where the children were challenged to design a table out of newspaper that was at least 20cm high and capable of holding at least one dictionary. In true NJS style, our crew smashed their goal and created a table that held an impressive FIVE dictionaries! Excellent team work 5RS – what a great start to the year!

To Infinity and Beyond!

On Monday, 6CC began the hook week of their first expedition this year, To Infinity and Beyond, centring around the idea of space. Inspired by both the scale and complexity of our universe, the children decided to build their own model solar system with pairs working together to create their very own papier-mache planet. Apologies to parents for the mess but I think it goes without saying our crew had a lot of fun covering their balloons with gluey mixture!

After listening to a short extract from H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds, our crew set about using the descriptions and the illustrations in the book to design and create their own alien machines using watercolours. As you can see, the children endeavoured to use the style of the illustrator to good effect and the final creations were fantastic. Well done, 6CC!

On Tuesday afternoon, year six enjoyed a phenomenal surprise of meeting some of their footballing heroes. George Miller, Jon Taylor, Roshaun Williams and Max Woltman of the Doncaster Rovers 1st XI stopped by NJS to get involved in a short games session before answering some of our crews burning questions. I think they were very surprised with some of the children’s competitive attitudes and skills, might prove significant come their next match!

The new Donny Rovers Squad!

An action packed first week back!

In their first week back, the children of 6CC have truly impressed showing a bucketful of enthusiasm, teamwork and confidence; over the course of the week, they have taken part in a wide variety of activities, ranging from lung busting capture the flag to hilarious drama games. Despite the novelty of the activities, the children have out their best foot first and now cannot wait to begin their first expedition of the year… more on that later! 😉

The start of our NJS journey

In our first week at NJS, 3HJ have made ’Time Capsules’ reflecting on their summer break and setting goals for the new school year. Each time capsule contains photos, examples of some of the children’s favourite things, pledges for the forthcoming year and pieces of awesome art work. These time capsules will be sealed and ‘buried’ till July where we will be able to reflect on our journey through year 3!

Eden Camp excitement!

What an exciting start to NJS and Year Three these children have had. Today we undertook fieldwork for our autumn expedition – Lest We Forget at the amazing Eden Camp Museum. We were so excited to learn everything World War Two related from The Blitz, Women at Work and rationing. Our children were excellent ambassadors to our school and we all had a marvellous day!

Eden Camp Here We Come!

There was much excitment to be had today across both Year 3 and Year 4 as we ventured up to explore Eden Camp and all that it had to offer! The children were becoming immersed into the topic of the Second World War as we shall be exploring that further in this terms expedition. We shall see what else this expedition has to offer in the future and what else we can discover and explore!