Spooky Halloween

What a frightening start to the half term we had with this lot of scary folk. 3HJ had a wonderful day completing a whole host of spooky activities from writing to creating their own death masks. Enjoy trick or treating! 🎃👻💀

Mathematicians in the making!

This week 6EG have been grappling with long multiplication – not an easy task! However they all showed perseverance and resilience to overcome any difficulties. They worked well to support each other and identify any difficulties. Well done Y6!

A spooky spellbinding start back!

Just check out this lot looking amazing in their halloween costumes on their first day back of term. We had a super time immersing ourselves in some ghostly activities and a it was just a super effort all round!

Welcome back everyone!

Halloween Day Horrors! 🎃👻

On our dedicated day of Halloween fun, year six did not disappoint with their fancy dress efforts. Hats (or masks) off to them and their parents/ carers for the frighteningly creative and gory costumes!

After tasting a few homemade treats baked by our fabulous crew bakers, 6CC were given the task of designing their own spooky halloween costumes using only a selection of household materials: bin bags, tin foil, sellotape to name but a few. The results ranged from goofy to rather spectacular. Safe to say, most designers were quite pleased with their creations (I would not be surprised if ASDA and Tesco came knocking on the doors in need of creative genius!).

Next, the children explored the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a famous abstract artist, and used his style to create their very own expressionist Halloween artwork. Cracking job, guys! 🎃👍🏼

Happy Halloween!

Y3 have had a spooky start back to school today. Everybody dazzled in their amazing halloween costumes. We had everything from pumpkins to witches and skeletons to werewolves.
After sharing our exciting half term stories in crew, we spent the day completing a number of halloween themed tasks such as making our own halloween characters, designing pumpkins and using our maths knowledge to solve a mystery.

Conclusion of the Space Story Saga!

With half term in sight, 6CC are in full space story mode. For the past three weeks, year six have been studying narrative as text type with a focus on the final frontier. Each member of our class has planned, written and critiqued their own writing along the way (along with teacher support) leading up to a week where they must independently conclude their story. As a class, we have focused heavily on getting the basic punctuation and spellings right as well as learning to adjust sentence length for purpose and effect. I have been very impressed with their descriptive language, understanding of speech punctuation and their choice of figurative language. Ace effort guys!

Baking Wartime Bread

To celebrate the end of our first case study of our Lest We Forget expedition, year 3 have used their knowledge and understanding of rationing as well as measures to bake bread from a traditional WW2 recipe. Obviously, the best part was getting stuck in with kneading and I have to say the bread was absolutely delicious and went down a treat!