NJS Remembers

On Friday, the pupils of y3/4 made some commemorative remembrance day cards complete with an image of a poppy on the cover and a poem of remembrance on the inside. We are very proud to say that the cards were taken to Campsall Church and placed on the pews for members of our community to have as part of the church service this morning.

Chance To Dance

This week the children in year 3 were excited to take part in the launch of our Chance to Dance lessons. Our focus ballet this year is The Nutcracker. To start, the children were introduced to the main characters from the ballet and created motifs to show their personality and how they might move. It was lovely to see how all children embraced this new genre of dance and the effort they put in to perfecting their performances.

Peer Maths Coaching

Year 6 have been learning a range of formal written methods in maths including column addition and subtraction, long multiplication and bus stop division. Throughout this challenging sequence of work, the children have shown resilience and determination and have supported one another which has been great to see. Yesterday, they worked in coaching pairs solving multiplication and division word problems. They were supporting and encouraging of each other and Miss Corkan and I were extremely proud of them!

3LG have an expert visitor

Today 3LG have been extremely excited to welcome an expert visitor into school. We talked all about the Second World War and the children asked lots incredible questions.

As part of our work towards creating our final product we have been thinking about why it is important to share stories from World War Two. We cannot wait to start writing about all the information we have learned today!