Y3 Build Circuits

This week we have officially kicked off Case Study 1 of our new expedition The Power of Life. We will be learning all about electricity and circuits so it would be rude not to build some of our own. Yesterday we challenged the children to assemble the circuit and switch the light bulb on. We think they did a pretty great job!

Positive energy in 4GC

A happy new year to you all! This week we have welcomed back our awesome pupils and hooked ourselves into our new expedition: The Power of Life. We’ve kicked this week off with all sorts of activities but perhaps the one that has yielded the greatest outcomes is some energy expressionism with our young artists putting brush onto paper depicting what ‘energy’ means to them.

Welcome Back Year 4!

Happy New Year year 4 and welcome back! It is absolutely delightful to see everybody again! Today, year 4 started looking at their new expedition, “The Power of Life” which will involve looking at sustainability and looking after our planet. To begin this learning, 4TE created some lovely posters all about how we can look after our planet! Great start guys!

A picture speaks a thousand words

Merry Christmas and a happy new year, one and all! Year 6 are back with a bang after the Christmas holidays and have begun their hook week for the Spring expedition, ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’. This week, the children have explored the development of the camera and explored significant, iconic events that have occurred since its invention. Later in the week, 6CC will share with you pieces of art work they have completed as well as bringing the news to you. Stay tuned!

A New Year – A New Expedition

What a cracking day we have had being immersed whole heartedly into our new and exciting expedition – The Power of Life. We spent the morning hunting electrical appliances around school, thinking about the many different devices we have and use at home and ways to reduce usage. The children were also awesome at identifying renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and created wonderful anchor charts persuading people to be more sustainable! Top job guys!

Christmas Fun!

6EG have had a great last week, full of crafts, fun, and still some maths work too!