Children in Need Fun!

NJS enjoyed a whole day of Children in Need fun last Friday and held a non-uniform day to raise money for this extremely worthy cause. The pupils in 6SO learnt all about the charity and the people that it supports and were asked to present their learning however they wished. As you can see, some pupils selected to present their learning to the class using Google Slides, others created fantastic posters and we even had some superb poetry!

Silent Discussions

This week we have experimented with ‘Silent discussions’.
The children had to decide whether a word was either positive or negative. In our silent discussion the children were free to move around the room and write their thoughts next to the word, enabling all children to have a voice.
3HJ really enjoyed trialing this method of learning and it will definitely be used in the future.

Beautiful mini beast art work taking shape

This week, the children have worked hard to produce a first draft of their chosen mini beast art work to go along with their non chronological report. Together, the artwork and the writing will form the children’s final product for their expedition. In order to draw this, they needed to use and apply the skills they have been taught previously; thinking about aspects such as tone, shading and shape. After producing the draft, they critiqued each others work where they will use this feedback to attempt the second draft next week. If it’s anything to go by the first piece, then the results of the second attempt should be even more outstanding than the first. Well done to all!

Beautiful mini beasts!

The children have worked very hard on drawing Emperor Moths. When working on their drawing, they used shading skills, tone (both light and dark) as well as different stroke techniques to create the finished result. All children worked hard and showed a great amount of resilience and effort.

Photographs That Changed The World!

Years 5 and 6 have been busy creating the artwork for our calendar based on ‘Photographs that changed the world’ which is our current expedition. We are incredibly pleased to announce that £500 has been donated by several generous businesses to help fund our venture! In these difficult times, the staff and pupils are so grateful for the kindness that has been shown and we can’t wait to see the finished calendar including outstanding artwork and wonderful writing from the children. Here’s a sneak peek of some of the tremendous art work that the pupils have produced so far.


Cardinal points and using a compass

This week 3HJ have been looking at how compasses work and learning how to use them correctly.

We spent time orientating the compass to find the cardinal points. Finally, we planned a route using directions across the playground.

A tricky concept but we all did so well!


6SO have been working hard to produce some beautiful observational sketches of cameras over the past few weeks. Here are just a few of the amazing final sketches and we think you’ll agree, they are outstanding! These beautiful drawings will feature as part of a calendar that Year 5 and 6 are creating based on their current expedition ‘Photographs that changed the world’. The calendar will be professionally printed and available to buy at Christmas time so watch this space!