The Water Cycle

This week, we have spent time investigating how water moves around the water cycle. 3HJ thoroughly enjoyed creating their very own ‘water cycles’ but adding food colouring to water. The children drew the different stages onto clear plastics which we hung on the windows in our classroom.

We can’t wait to see the results!

Feed the birds

This week we have started working towards our final product – a walking guide – which we will be revealing in the not too distant future!

Check out these wonderful bird feeders we made using bread, peanut butter and bird seed. We plan to take them on one of our walks for the local wildlife to enjoy. The children then wrote a set of instructions ready to be published in our guide!

Our hike to Brockadale Nature Reserve

What a wonderful day for a hike!

My amazing crew walked over 8 miles on a hike from school to Brockadale Nature Reserve as part of our immersion week for our new and exciting expedition ‘Walking and wildlife’. The sun was shining and everyone showed huge determination and resilience.

What an achievement! I was so proud of each and every one of you!

Perfect Pop Art!

Year 6 have been super busy this week completing their pop art pictures of emergency services heroes ready to go on our posters which will be displayed in Co-op in Askern and Morrison’s on York Road! Here is just a small selection of 6SO’s creations. We think you’ll agree they are outstanding!

What makes a hero?

After learning about the Pop Art movement in the 1960s, our children have been busy creating some eye-catching Pop Art pieces, based on the professions of the experts that visited us last week. The pupils have worked extremely hard to ensure their work is vibrant, bold and exciting. Here is a small selection of their beautiful work.

A selection of our final pieces

Victorian bread baking

What an amazing week we have had welcoming all our children back into school.

This week, we revisited some ‘lockdown’ learning’ and pulled out the Victorian recipes we created to make bread. Our recipes included many herbs which was believed to help with simple aliments. We included Rosemary, Sage and Dill. The taste test went down a treat!