That’s not fair!

The emotional turmoil caused by Fruitella in 5RH was unbelievable.

The children were given a small insight into wealth inequality using sweets. The words ‘That’s not fair.’ were uttered on a number of occasions and then we explored the impact that these social inequalities could have on the life chances of people within our society.

Luckily, the children decided that equality was essential for the crew to remain harmonious and they decided to redistribute the sweets more fairly so that they were all able to enjoy a Fruitella at break time.

A truly selfless act 5RH, caring about everyone within our society (crew).


Staff Crew – Identifying HOWLs…

If it’s good enough for our children, its good enough for our staff too… Everything that you are doing in class, we are doing too!


We have also be revisiting our Core Values that we set together as a whole community 5 years ago. Here we are unpicking exactly what it looks like to embrace our values and identify our own HOWLs – Habits of Work and Learning. HOWLS help us demonstrate how we are working to be the best version of ourselves or as we like to say, “Being the BEST version of ME!”



Our Autumn expedition is now fully up and running. Steve Nightingale (local photography expert) came in to work with year 5&6 and deliver a fantastic informative workshop. In addition to exploring an incredible range of the best up to date cameras on the market, the children also looked at the history of photography and the evolution of the camera. We were also given an insight into tricks of the trade and photography at a microscopic level.

A thoroughly enjoyable and interesting session.

Cheers Steve.

Meet the expert!

On Thursday, 5RS were lucky enough to receive a visit from a local photography expert! The children learned all about the history of the camera and explored how photography has changed over time. Mr Nightingale shared some wonderful snap shots of local wildlife that inspired our pupils to look around their gardens in search of possible subjects for their own photography journeys at home.