The sun is shining so what better choice of activity for flexible Friday than playing on the jungle trail after working so hard this past week! 3HJ have decided to have a ‘show and tell’ session next week too!

Category : Latest News
A True TTRockstar!
Today marks the first day of June. Why is this noteworthy? Well last month, a certain member of 4TE showed extreme dedication and effort to play TimesTablesRockstars every single day last month during May! This mighty achievement was achieved by Jack Jepson and he deserves a huge shout out here! So fantastic effort Jack on completing that challenge! Jack is brilliant at his times tables and commitment such as this is proof as to why he’s learnt his tables so well, great work Jack!
Happy Half Term!
A belated happy half term from 4TE! Above is a little video of some of the activites 4TE have been up to in the final week before half term. Photos used in the video are below. Have a great break!
Happy Half Term
A big Year 3 thank you goes out today to the 5 members of Year 6 that have been our helpers this week. From being classroom TAs to playing dodgeball, we have absolutely loved having them in our classes. The children have loved having them in class and they were amazing models to the younger children.
Today they teamed up with a few year 3 children to create a fabulous pairing to celebrate the Platinum’ Jubilee

Expert visit

This week, year 5 were lucky enough to receive a visit from an expert who spoke knowledgeably about the circulatory system and taught the children the importance of keeping their hearts healthy through a balanced diet, exercise and plenty of sleep! The pupils also had the opportunity to use a stethoscope for some hands on learning! What a treat!
Day #1 Year 6 Residential
After a reasonably short journey, Year 6 arrived at Kingswood for 3pm for their tour of the grounds and a briefing for their stay here. The first challenge that awaited them was an intimidating one for some: making their beds!
Perplexed faces, an abundance of questions and head scratching filled each room before all beds were finally made. All groups then participated in one activity before dinner; in group eight’s case, bouldering was our first official challenge of the stay.

Many greeted the news of dinner with jubilation: chicken, chips and a choice of salad followed by jam doughnuts for dessert. The children then enjoyed a briefing around one of Kingswood’s campfires.

The mini olympics was the children’s final activity of the night offering a chance for competition and humour, two of the events being an impressions race and how far can you scream before you have to take a breath!

A Royal Celebration
To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee 3LG have been working really hard to learn March of the Golden Guards on the recorder. 3LG have worked really hard since February half term in their weekly recorder lesson, learning lots of new notes, discovering how to read music, practicing different songs and finding out about rhythm and beat.
4TE’s Trip to Brodsworth Hall!
At the start of this week, 4TE took a trip down to Brodsworth Hall to explore more details about our expedition, ‘Why is Sugar Not So Sweet’. We all had a brilliant time exploring the hall and gardens and speaking to some experts about this fantastic building steeped in history! Above is a video of some of the pictures from our trip, and below are the photos used in the video, plus a few extra ones, 4TE hope you enjoy!
🌼🌺 Brodsworth Hall 🌺🌼
On Tuesday, year 3 were lucky enough to visit the beautiful Brodsworth Hall exploring the history of the house and it’s links to the transatlantic slave trade. The grounds are absolutely stunning and the children enjoyed looking at all the original pieces of furniture and artefacts inside.
For P.E this week, 6CC received some cricket training ahead of the second summer term. The warm up focused on heightening their alertness and reaction times ahead of a smaller game; we certainly have a high number of competitive individuals in Year 6!
Looking at developing their bowling and batting skills, the children moved onto a small, four-sided game, where all had a chance to show their stuff with a cricket ball and bat; following this, the class was then split into two teams for a class quick cricket match in the sun.