Breaking News! 4TE are first on the scene!

Today, 4TE have become news reporters! Recently, we have been learning about the tarnished history of sugar and its links to slavery. We have specifically been looking at the life and times of Mary Prince – a famous abolishionist. Below is a compilation of various parts of our individual news reports blended into one. The children wrote their own scripts and researched all of the information themselves. This has hopefully culminated in a very professional and informative report!

Quiztastic Revision!

Our Friday in 6CC began with a bang as the class split themselves into teams to take on a Kahoot! quiz: revision edition. Each team battled it out to become the quiz master, utilising their knowledge and understanding of shape.

Magnificent mentoring!
As we prepare for SATs, the children have stepped up their efforts to mentor and listen to the feedback of their peers, particularly in Maths. As you can see below, our arithmetic pairs have been working exceptionally hard to revise previous learning and refine their maths skills. Might I add that their mentors have been doing a pretty fine job too!

Above: When learning about scale factors, the children worked hard to increase a picture of Mario or Luigi by a scale factor of two!


SPAG revision took more of a creative focus last week as the children worked in pairs to design their own SPAG test: 8 questions with a focus of eight SPAG areas. When finished, the pairs then swapped tests with another pair and worked through their questions to see if they could achieve full marks!

Fielding fun!

To further supplement their development in becoming skilful rounders players, Year 6 practiced their fielding skills today focusing mainly on throwing, catching and tactical play. Starting with some fun games to stress the importance of rapid throwing and catching to beat running players, the children quickly moved onto improving their long range throwing and catching.

Practising these skills in isolation is important but nothing compares to putting these skills under pressure in small game situation. Safe to say, the practice beforehand made the small games even more competitive. Now, Year 6 will look to improve their skills with a bat! Well done all!

Happy, Healthy Me

The summer term has got off to an exciting start with year 5’s immersion into their new expedition: Happy, Healthy Me. Over the course of this week, the children have been getting active (setting new 1 mile PBs and investigating their heart-rate recovery time after exercise), in addition to blind-tasting a range of healthy and unhealthy products and creating some fantastic plague doctor artwork (the focus of our first case study). What a fantastic start to our final expedition!