Christingle Assembly

We have had some very special assemblies across NortonCampus today. Mr Chadwick arranged forReverend Chris to visitus, and he brought with him his friend Chris. He talked to us aboutthe importance of aChristingle and what it means.

He invited us all to a special Christingle service at CampsallChurch on Christmas Eve at 4pm. During theservice we will get totake part in a Nativity, sing some Christmas carols, make our ownChristingle and we willeven be able to hear Chris’ voice (it onlyworks on Christmas Eve!)

For more information about the meaning behind Christingle -follow this link.

Thank you,
Mrs Parsons xx

Wood Cookie Christmas Decorations

Over the last two weeks 3LG have put their DIY socks on and created some beautiful wood cookie christmas decorations. They have been using a range of materials including napkins, mod podge, plastic bags and, of course, glitter to create dazzling decorations. The children have worked gently and precisely, making sure not to rip the extremely thin napkin images.

We think the decorations are fab and will look amazing hung among twinkling lights on their Christmas trees.

Finding Fractions

This week 6EG have been working hard to solve a range of problems involving fractions. Today they have worked in small groups to consolidate their learning from the week.

Take a sneak peak…

At some of Y4’s monoprints in anticipation of the publishing of our product in the new year. Exciting!!

Christmas is for sharing! 🎅🎄

This week, 6CC have stepped into Christmas with full effect and have already begun their Christmas expedition inspired by the novel and film, ‘A boy called Christmas’. After watching this Santa origin story, the children have been busy exploring characters and the language author’s use to create a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. So far, we have generated vocabulary for various fictional characters and sought to enhance our descriptions from simple words and phrases to expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and alliteration. Later in the week, the children will be writing their own descriptions for Matt Haig’s characters.

Christmas Scenes

To help capture the Christmas spirit, 6CC have also started work on their own Christmas scenes. So far, the children have chosen a stimulus to help them draw the outline in preparation for adding their chosen media over the next two weeks.

Visitors from the Royal Opera House

Today Y3 had the amazing opportunity to work with visitors from the Chance to Dance programme. Each class got an hour long workshop with Bim (a Royal Ballet artist) and Miss Wendy from Hazelbiz Performers Academy.

During the workshop we thought all about ice scupltures – how they look and how they might move. We focused on the word “gliding” and used this to help us move around the hall. Eventually, we turned ourselves into intertwining ice sculptures.