Gymnastics and balancing

Check out the amazing range of balances created by 3HJ in their first gymnastics lesson this week. The core strength and skill demonstrated by the children absolute blew me away! Awesome work guys!!

Smile for the camera! 📸

After a jam packed hook week of learning about cameras, reporting historic events for the news and exploring light and the human eye, year six finally began their case study on civil rights. This week, 6CC have explored equality and inequality; today, we watched Martin Luther King’s speech, ‘I have a dream’ from 1963 whilst learning about his work, achievements and beliefs.


In their hook week, year six chose and drew their own camera based on a model. The children are especially proud of their creations which are now displayed down our corridor for all to see!


This week 6EG have been working hard on some tricky fraction problems so to consolidate their learning (and have some fun) they’ve played a different version of Monopoly focusing on fractions.

3LG Royal Ballet Workshop

This week we had some very special visitors in Y3. We were joined again by Bim and Miss Wendy, as well as a professional pianist and other members of the Chance to Dance team. The workshop allowed the children to demonstrate how hard they have worked in dance over the last term.

The Royal Ballet visitors were blown away by the attitudes of the children, and highly praised how kind, caring and helpful they were towards each other. Well done 3LG!

Circuit Champions

This expedition, years 3 and 4 have been learning all about circuits and today, it was the turn of 4TE to get their hands well into building their own circuits! As you can see, it looks like they’ve got the hang of it and were wired in!

Visitors from The Royal Ballett

This week saw the end of our weekly ballet lessons with a visit from dancers from The Royal Ballet. The children took part in a selection workshop demonstrating different types of ballet. Both visitors and school staff were extremely proud of the behaviour and effort from all children. We will find out soon which children have been selected and who will carry on with their ballet journey. Huge well done guys!