World Book Day!

Today Year 6 swapped teachers and had a great time learning about a range of genres and completing different activities. They enjoyed drawing well-known characters and creating treasure maps.

Year 4 Dodgeball Drama!

A team of year 4 dodgeballers took on four local teams today at Campsmount Academy; whilst results may not have gone their way with many close calls, the determined set of year 4s dipped, ducked, dived and dodged in every match and played valiantly until the end. Thank your to Leger Sport for organising the competition. Great work, team!

Chance to Dance with Miss Wendy

Last week y3 started the second part of the 2022/23 Chance to Dance programme with weekly workshops with Chance to Dance associate artist and local dance teacher Miss Wendy. This week the children have been learning all about dynamics during dance and perfecting their ballet technique.

We think the children look ace doing their ballet and can’t wait to see the dance come together over the next weeks!!

Coding with Scratch

This half term, year 3 have began our final case study for our expedition – The Power of Life. Children have started to explore coding through Scratch which is the largest coding community which enables children to create digital stories, games and animations. The children in 3HJ already know far more than I do already! Check out their incredible designs!

‼️World Book Day Reminder‼️

We are celebrating World Book Day on FRIDAY 3RD MARCH not tomorrow.

If children would like to dress up on FRIDAY – they are very welcome to do so. However, we would like to stress there is no obligation for anyone to go out and spend money on costumes. If children choose not to dress up they are welcome to come in their own clothes or pyjamas ready for a ‘bedtime’ story!

We are looking forward to celebrating all things book related together.

Mrs Parsons xx

Investigating Volume

Year 6 are working incredibly hard in maths lessons in preparation for their SATs tests in May. Last week, we looked at perimeter and area of 2D shapes before moving onto finding the volume of 3D shapes. We used manipulatives in the form of cubes to support our learning. Using practical resources is a great way to support the pupils’ understanding and the children enjoyed using the cubes to help them answer a range of problem-solving questions.

Mr Bean.

That’s right everyone. Your child may well have brought their very own bean stalk home today and weren’t there some absolute beauties! Don’t feel the need to erect the trellising just yet but placing a makeshift stake of some sort in the pot should help it grow upright for now. All the pots are biodegradable too so just place them in a bigger planter once ready. Of course, this activity has all been part of our second case study focusing on biology and for the next few weeks, the life cycle of a plant. Have a lovely weekend all.

5JC- Team Building

It has been a great week getting to know the students further and understanding the relationships between each student and their teachers. 5JC enjoyed spending some time outside of the normal classroom, competing in a range of activities that were all focused around teamwork and communication.

How much room for Volume?

Nearing the conclusion of our learning about perimeter, area and volume , 6CC began looking at the space occupied by three dimensional shapes today. By manipulating cubes, they investigated how to find the volume of cubes with varying height before exploring a variety of random 3D shapes and finding their volumes.