Nets, nets and more nets!

Rounding off our learning on properties of shape, the children investigated finding the various nets of a cube in pairs before turning their attention to some tricky nets SATs questions involving visualising the nets of different shapes. All pairs showed excellent teamwork, determination and, as usual, fantastic learning attitudes were on show. Great work, crew!

Catapults: Science Week Activity!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our science afternoon in year six. The children were put through a series of STEM challenges before creating their own lollipop stick catapults. Each catapult was tried and tested in the hall with their creations sporting colourful designs.

Red Nose Day 🔴

We have been so impressed with the t-shirt designs around school today. Below are the winners from the different classes, voted for by the children. Our overall winner, picked by Mrs Smith is . . . William! 

We will make sure all of our winners get their prizes on Monday morning – well done everyone! 

Thank you to everyone who wore red, designed a shirt or made a contribution to Comic Relief. 

Mrs Parsons xx

Science Week Challenge

 The LKS2 theme for science week this year was connections so what could be more fun than building towers out of sweets. The children were challenged to construct the tallest free standing tower using only 2 pieces of equipment – midget gems and cocktail sticks. Check the wonderful designs by our year 3 children and parents. Huge thank you to all those who came to support their children.

Well done to these children with a tower measuring 72cm!

These two towers were chosen for the creative designs!

Science Fun!

This week is science week and so we began the week with some experiments. The children made paper towers and explored how to make an effective catapult, which obviously had to be tested!

The start of a 4GC Musical Journey!