Chance to Dance with Miss Wendy

Last week y3 started the second part of the 2022/23 Chance to Dance programme with weekly workshops with Chance to Dance associate artist and local dance teacher Miss Wendy. This week the children have been learning all about dynamics during dance and perfecting their ballet technique.

We think the children look ace doing their ballet and can’t wait to see the dance come together over the next weeks!!

Happy Pancake Day

Happy pancake day from Y3! Yesterday for crew we had a lovely morning eating pancakes. With a choice of either nutella, golden sugar, strawberry syrup and the classic lemon and sugar we were spoilt for choice.

A big thank you to Mrs Jenkins who spent her Monday night making 70 crepes!!

Children’s Mental Health Week

To promote Children’s Mental Health Week all crews in Year 3 played a couple of games of ’Let’s Connect Bingo’. It was lovely to see children connecting with each other, finding others with shared interests, building new friendships and most importantly having fun! And yes – Mrs Gill loves pepperoni pizza!

3LG Royal Ballet Workshop

This week we had some very special visitors in Y3. We were joined again by Bim and Miss Wendy, as well as a professional pianist and other members of the Chance to Dance team. The workshop allowed the children to demonstrate how hard they have worked in dance over the last term.

The Royal Ballet visitors were blown away by the attitudes of the children, and highly praised how kind, caring and helpful they were towards each other. Well done 3LG!

Y3 Build Circuits

This week we have officially kicked off Case Study 1 of our new expedition The Power of Life. We will be learning all about electricity and circuits so it would be rude not to build some of our own. Yesterday we challenged the children to assemble the circuit and switch the light bulb on. We think they did a pretty great job!