Category : Beautiful Work
A very Roman visit from Ronulus
Rewind some 2000 years and 3HJ found themselves in Roman Britain! What a wonderful day we had learning all about the Roman way of life from a huge selection of artefacts including children’s toys, coins and jewellery. The children got so much from a hands on learning approach and we’re amazed to discover how Ronulus spent his time!
Check out the amazing costumes too!
Representing Numbers
3HJ have had their heads in the game this week and have made an awesome start to their maths work. The beautiful weather has enabled us to to take lots of our learning outside. Today Children challenged each other to represent a range of numbers in many different ways. Here we are using Base 10. Super learning on a super morning!
Wicked Wizards
Look at our young Hogwarts students duelling with their homemade wands! The pupils had to decide which ingredients to include inside their wands that reflected their personal qualities. These ranged from unicorn hair to represent honesty to lion claws for courage! The finished wands look fantastic….EXPELLIARMUS!

The Crew Gate Roman Army
Truly Legion!
What a fantastic start to the school year by 4GC! They have settled brilliantly, worked hard and demonstrated our core values in abundance throughout the week. This term’s expedition is entitled ‘Relentless Romans’ and we have been busy this week making Roman shields, traditional mosaics and even and centurion’s battle helmet! In these accompanying pictures, you can marvel at the detail and precision at which these shields have been put together. Perhaps the best way to summarise our efforts this week is through the Roman Latin phrase ‘Carpe Diem‘…Indeed, 4GC have Seized the Day.
Relentless Romans
3HJ have been immersed in everything Roman this week.
Here you can see the wonderful shields that have been designed. painted and decorated. We used our observation skills to make them as authentic as possible and are very proud of our results!
Movie Magic!
During their first day back, the Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in lots of exciting Harry Potter themed activities as part of our ‘The Magic of Motion’ exhibition. The children dressed up as witches and wizards and through the magic of technology, photo shopped themselves into various Harry Potter movie sets!

Exploring the work of Quentin Blake
This week, we are excited to reveal some of the wonderful art work we are creating for our walking guide. We have taken our inspiration from the magnificent and extremely talented artist Quentin Blake – the author of countless Roald Dahl and David Walliams books.
Our crew used peer assessment and critique to improve they’re first draft and I am exceptionally impressed with the progress so far!
Out of this world!
Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed learning about all things space related during the first case study of our ‘Big Bangs’ expedition and have worked hard to produce these beautifully eye-catching pictures of their own solar systems! This work links to their English lessons where they have been writing a report about an imaginary planet. To create these fantastic pictures, they used oil pastels and had to develop the skill of blend using this tricky media.