To Infinity and Beyond!

On Monday, 6CC began the hook week of their first expedition this year, To Infinity and Beyond, centring around the idea of space. Inspired by both the scale and complexity of our universe, the children decided to build their own model solar system with pairs working together to create their very own papier-mache planet. Apologies to parents for the mess but I think it goes without saying our crew had a lot of fun covering their balloons with gluey mixture!

After listening to a short extract from H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds, our crew set about using the descriptions and the illustrations in the book to design and create their own alien machines using watercolours. As you can see, the children endeavoured to use the style of the illustrator to good effect and the final creations were fantastic. Well done, 6CC!

On Tuesday afternoon, year six enjoyed a phenomenal surprise of meeting some of their footballing heroes. George Miller, Jon Taylor, Roshaun Williams and Max Woltman of the Doncaster Rovers 1st XI stopped by NJS to get involved in a short games session before answering some of our crews burning questions. I think they were very surprised with some of the children’s competitive attitudes and skills, might prove significant come their next match!

The new Donny Rovers Squad!