In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

WC 26.4.21

Students engaged in a range of discussions surrounding kindness… whilst in the outdoor classroom! In Crew 6CC, we explored many different scenarios where kindness could have a profound impact on the situation where a negative result may possibly have been avoided. Using their voices, each pupils gave an insight into how they would react and how they would want to be treated in their chosen scenario. Before returning to the safety of our cozy classroom, the crew undertook a teambuilding challenge of passing around a musical instrument with the aim being not to make a sound.

‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind.’

Let the debate begin!

WC 19.4.21

Year 6 students took to the lectern in the Big Bangs! hook week and voiced their arguments in a wide variety of space related topics, ranging from ‘Is space exploration a waste of money?’ to ‘Have aliens visited planet Earth?’. All teams used the internet to build background knowledge about their topic before compiling their best points in the form of a written argument. Bravely, each group delivered a well-structured argument, equipped with a broad range subject-specific vocabulary and statistics to hopefully sway their peers towards their point of view. Well done, Year 6! 👏🏻🏆

What makes a hero?

After learning about the Pop Art movement in the 1960s, our children have been busy creating some eye-catching Pop Art pieces, based on the professions of the experts that visited us last week. The pupils have worked extremely hard to ensure their work is vibrant, bold and exciting. Here is a small selection of their beautiful work.

A selection of our final pieces

Top-class angling!

This week, year 6 have been investigating the different types of angles. 6CC especially enjoyed the angles game where player 1 asked player 2 to draw an angle using only a whiteboard pen and ruler. Depending on how far away their drawing was, player 1 might win points the closer their estimate was to their target angle. Lots of competition and smiles this week!

Victorian bread baking

What an amazing week we have had welcoming all our children back into school.

This week, we revisited some ‘lockdown’ learning’ and pulled out the Victorian recipes we created to make bread. Our recipes included many herbs which was believed to help with simple aliments. We included Rosemary, Sage and Dill. The taste test went down a treat!

World Book Day 2021

Although we could not have World Book Day as we would have liked to, children and staff, whether they are in school or at home, have made a great effort to dress up. It was lovely to see many of our remote learners making an effort to dress up at their favourite book characters.

Masked Reader Challenge

Pensive faces and wry smiles. Just a few of the expressions on the children’s faces today (along with plenty of giggles of course) as they watched the Masked Reader Challenge videos prepared by NJS staff for World Book Day. The staff at NJS have looked to deceive the minds of their children by reading their favourite story books using face filters and wacky masks – even toilet roll in one case. Can you work out which teacher is behind the the mask? Undertake the challenge by clicking here!

Thank you to all the children, parents and staff for their efforts in the run up to and on World Book Day! I know I speak for all staff when I say we can not wait to be seeing our full classes on Monday 8th March! 😁

Conquering coordinates!

⚓Coordinates have been on the Maths menu this week in 6CC. On Thursday, the children put their navigational brains to the test by exploring many difference coordinates problems.

⚓ In Literacy, Sir Francis Drake and the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 has been the topic of choice with the children to write their own detailed and descriptive recounts of the Battle. 🚢