Christmas Craft fun!

On Wednesday 30th, parents and carers of year 6 children were invited to take part in our annual Christmas crafts afternoon. It was lovely to welcome parents into our classroom to help our children create their own tissue paper Christmas wreaths whilst enjoying some Christmas music. Thank you to all who attended an

The Christmas Truce, 1914

This morning, 6CC were ordered to take shelter under the tables as the air raid siren boomed overhead. After spending some time building up our knowledge of all things World War I, the children imagined what it would be like to live and fight in the trenches before being introduced to famous ‘The Christmas Truce’ TV advert.

After watching the video, children planned their own stories (in first or third person) and set about generating vocabulary to enhance the descriptions and emotive language in their writing. With such great ideas and discussions surrounding how the soldiers must have felt during what is a special time of year, I look forward to seeing their finished stories!

Children In Need

Our ’Flexible Friday’ crew session this week saw us completing a range of Pudsey Bear themed activities to raise awareness for Children In Need. Children were invited to come to school in non-uniform and donations were collected. It was a great effort across school with money raised for a very worthy cause!

Chance To Dance

This week the children in year 3 were excited to take part in the launch of our Chance to Dance lessons. Our focus ballet this year is The Nutcracker. To start, the children were introduced to the main characters from the ballet and created motifs to show their personality and how they might move. It was lovely to see how all children embraced this new genre of dance and the effort they put in to perfecting their performances.

3LG have an expert visitor

Today 3LG have been extremely excited to welcome an expert visitor into school. We talked all about the Second World War and the children asked lots incredible questions.

As part of our work towards creating our final product we have been thinking about why it is important to share stories from World War Two. We cannot wait to start writing about all the information we have learned today!

Happy Halloween!

Y3 have had a spooky start back to school today. Everybody dazzled in their amazing halloween costumes. We had everything from pumpkins to witches and skeletons to werewolves.
After sharing our exciting half term stories in crew, we spent the day completing a number of halloween themed tasks such as making our own halloween characters, designing pumpkins and using our maths knowledge to solve a mystery.

WW2 Newsreports

To consolidate the knowledge and understanding the children have acquired during our first case study, 3HJ were asked to present a news report to their peers about an aspect of their choice. This could have been all about evacuation, The Blitz or rationing. The children wrote their own scripts in small groups including reporters and eye witnesses. They were all super factual and included great detail. Great job all round from year 3!

Conclusion of the Space Story Saga!

With half term in sight, 6CC are in full space story mode. For the past three weeks, year six have been studying narrative as text type with a focus on the final frontier. Each member of our class has planned, written and critiqued their own writing along the way (along with teacher support) leading up to a week where they must independently conclude their story. As a class, we have focused heavily on getting the basic punctuation and spellings right as well as learning to adjust sentence length for purpose and effect. I have been very impressed with their descriptive language, understanding of speech punctuation and their choice of figurative language. Ace effort guys!